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See what rioting “migrants” from France did to one of the oldest public libraries – it’s gone…

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France is a mess right now. The situation in the troubled country has been extremely volatile, with violent rioters taking to the streets for the third night in a row. It all started when a police officer shot and killed a North African teenager who had reportedly threatened him and then fled the scene in his car.

This is the mother of the boy who was shot.

Obviously, it’s pure class.

Now, things are turning into a wave of hellfire and “George Floyd” condemnation across the country. Fires, robberies, even looting of police vehicles – all the usual things unfold according to the script. In addition, the protesters, who many say are migrants and left-wing antifa, are targeting banks, blocking roads and even setting cars on fire. Officials say they arrested about 667 rioters in a single night.

But the real tragedy of all this chaos is what happened in Marseille. A viral video circulating on social media shows a horrifying sight: thanks to these anarchists and arsonists, the city’s largest public library, a repository of knowledge and cultural heritage, was engulfed in flames. This is the kind of thing you see ISIS doing. Radical terrorists love to destroy culture.


There was an explosion in Marseille’s Old Port on Friday evening, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV, but no casualties were reported. The broadcaster also shared a video showing damage to the library at the Alcazar in Marseille which it said had been vandalized overnight.

Maybe “no casualties were reported” is the new “mostly peaceful protests”? You know things are bad when even CNN is reporting on it.

This is much more than just “property damage” we’re talking about. This was the cultural heart and soul of the city they destroyed. But honestly, do these lumpenproletariat rioters care? They went ahead with their plan of unrest without thinking twice about the great cultural loss they were causing. But why would they care? They don’t appreciate French culture and would probably prefer a one-world society anyway.

The thugs are targeting a particular set of French institutions.

Free Press News:

Schools, town halls and police stations were targeted by arsonists, and police used tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades against the rioters, the spokesman told media.

As we look at what is happening in France, it becomes clearer why Hungary’s president, Viktor Orban, is working hard to prevent such dangerous and deadly ideologies from taking root in his country. God bless him for his efforts.



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