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Rise of the right in the European elections

Rise of the right in the European elections

The recent elections in Europe have marked a significant shift towards right-wing politics, signaling a triumph of traditional values ​​in individual countries and of the conservative movement around the world. This trend, underlined by a series of electoral successes of right-wing parties, reflects a growing disenchantment with centrist and left-wing policies, especially those relating to climate change, immigration and European integration. A publication in X summarizes well the attitude towards these electoral “discomforts” sweeping the EU:

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Macron's Gamble in France
French President Emmanuel Macron's call for early legislative elections highlights the turmoil in the French political landscape. In the European Parliament elections, the far-right National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen's protégé Jordan Bardella, won a imposing victory on Macron's centrist coalition. With Bardella rallying nationally with 31.5% of the vote, Macron hopes French voters, despite their anger, are not ready to embrace a far-right prime minister. However, the success of the National Myth in these elections suggests otherwise.

This increase has profound implications. It represents a rejection of Macron's policies, particularly his strong support for Ukraine, and also signals broader dissatisfaction with the centrist government. The national rally's potential to increase its presence in the National Assembly could lead to further political gridlock, challenging Macron's ability to govern effectively.

An important factor in this political change is the perception of EU policies promoting the so-called “Replacement Theory”, where citizens feel that the influx of migrants is altering their national identity. The rise in Muslim violence over the past decade has only fueled those sentiments, pushing voters toward parties that promise to restore national sovereignty and curb immigration.

Germany's political upheaval
Germany has it too witnessed a significant change. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) overcame scandals and mass protests to secure second place in the EU election, notably gaining strength among younger voters. The result represents the highest ever result for the AfD and underlines the party's growing appeal amid frustrations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition government.

The AfD's rise is emblematic of a broader shift to the right within the European Union, driven by widespread discontent with Brussels' bureaucratic excess and green policies perceived as economic burdens. The party's success also highlights growing anti-European sentiment among voters, a critical development as Europe faces numerous challenges, including immigration and economic instability.

In Germany, the perceived impact of the replacement theory and the increase in migrant-related violence have also played a role. Citizens are increasingly concerned about the cultural and social changes brought about by large-scale immigration, pushing them towards right-wing alternatives.

Revolt of the peasants in Europe
Europe's farming communities have become a powerful force driving this conservative resurgence. Farmers, burdened by strict environmental regulations and declining subsidies, have stepped up thousands of protests, drawing attention to their situation and influencing voter sentiment. These protests reflect a broader concern about the impact of green policies on traditional agricultural practices and rural livelihoods. Posts on X earlier this year show the massive response from blue-collar workers:

Anthony Lee, a German farmer and candidate for the European Parliament, exemplifies this struggle. His vocal opposition to environmental regulations and advocacy for greater farmer autonomy resonate with many who feel marginalized by current policies. This movement has contributed to the weakening of the Green Party and the rise of right-wing parties committed to protecting the interests of farmers. While most Lee's YouTube The videos are in German, he sat down with Jordan Peterson for a long interview on the subject before the election:

Farmers are also reacting to EU immigration policies. The perception that too many migrants are being funneled into rural areas, combined with rising cases of violence, has galvanized this traditionally conservative voting block.

Ireland's electoral landscape
In Ireland, the local elections have strengthened the strength of the conservative movement. Government coalition partners Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil performed well, while Sinn Féin, the main opposition party, saw only modest gains. This result suggests a preference for stability and pragmatic governance over radical change, which reflects a wider trend in Europe.

Taoiseach Simon Harris' comments on Sinn Féin's underwhelming performance underline a rejection of negative rhetoric and a desire for credible and actionable policies. This sentiment is echoed in the success of independent candidates who emphasize local issues and pragmatic solutions over radical ideological changes. A post on X shows Irish citizens celebrating the election of Gavin Pepper, who has been a key voice in denouncing the large number of immigrants moving into their nation.

Ireland, like other European countries, has seen concerns about immigration influence voter behaviour. The perception of replacement theory and fears of increased violence have led many to support parties that promise to take a tougher stance on immigration.

These election results represent a major victory for conservative values ​​across Europe. The rise of right-wing parties, fueled by a backlash against centrist and green policies, underlines a growing desire for national sovereignty, economic pragmatism and a return to traditional values. For conservatives around the world, this shift offers a model for countering the progressive agenda and restoring focus on common-sense policies that prioritize national interests and economic stability.

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