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RINO Says She Will Support Trump If He Wins Primary

RINO Says She Will Support Trump If He Wins Primary

RINO Says She Will Support Trump If He Wins Primary

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Not all RINOs are backing Joe Biden over Donald Trump if he wins the GOP primary election. Nikki Haley said, “I would support him because I am not going to have a President Kamala Harris. We can’t afford that. That is not going to happen.”

Just The News reported: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Monday said she would support former President Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election. However, Haley also said she does not think Trump is capable of winning the general election.

“I would support him because I am not going to have a President Kamala Harris. We can’t afford that. That is not going to happen,” Haley, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Although Trump is polling far ahead of all other GOP candidates, Haley said she does not think he can win the general election. A recent poll found Trump leading Biden by double digits among independents. A Harvard/Harris poll found Trump with 45% support among independents and Biden with only 27% support. It also found him beating Biden overall.

Trump 2024! Truth Gettr

Nikki Haley, a former Republican governor of South Carolina, has stated that she would support former President Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election. This comes as a surprise to some, as there has been speculation that many Republicans who identify as RINOs, or “Republicans in Name Only,” have been distancing themselves from Trump and his policies.

Haley made this declaration during an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” where she emphasized her opposition to having Vice President Kamala Harris as president. “I would support him because I am not going to have a President Kamala Harris. We can’t afford that. That is not going to happen,” Haley said.

The statement suggests that Haley’s support for Trump is primarily based on preventing a Democratic victory in the next presidential election rather than a personal endorsement of Trump himself. In fact, Haley expressed doubt about Trump’s ability to win the general election, despite his popularity among Republican voters.

While Trump may be polling far ahead of other potential GOP candidates, Haley believes that he would struggle to secure victory in a general election. This is supported by a recent poll conducted by Harvard/Harris, which found that Trump had a strong lead over Biden among independent voters, with 45% support compared to Biden’s 27%. However, the same poll indicated that Biden had a slight advantage over Trump overall.

These findings raise questions about the electability of the former president and highlight the potential challenges he may face in appealing to a broader base of voters. Haley’s comments reflect a common sentiment among Republicans who may be hesitant to fully embrace Trump’s candidacy.

Despite this skepticism, there is a significant segment of the Republican Party that remains loyal to Trump and his policies. Trump’s popularity among conservative voters has remained strong since his presidency, with many viewing him as a champion of conservative values and policies.

The Pro Trump News website, which features 60 new headlines every 24 hours, serves as a platform for Trump supporters to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in conservative politics. It provides a range of news and analysis from a pro-Trump perspective, offering a counter-narrative to mainstream media coverage.

This emphasis on an alternative viewpoint is reflected in the content of the website, which features headlines that often highlight Trump’s successes and achievements while criticizing his opponents and detractors. The site aims to serve as a source of news and information for conservatives who feel that their views are not adequately represented in mainstream media outlets.

In addition to the Pro Trump News website, there are also other platforms where Trump supporters can connect and share their views. Truth Gettr, for example, is a social media platform that has gained popularity among conservatives who feel marginalized or censored on mainstream platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Through these online communities, Trump supporters can engage in discussions, share news articles and opinion pieces, and connect with like-minded individuals. These platforms provide a sense of community and solidarity for those who feel that their political beliefs are underrepresented or unfairly targeted.

It is within this context that Nikki Haley’s declaration of support for Trump should be understood. While Haley’s comments may seem surprising to some, they reflect a broader division within the Republican Party between those who align themselves with Trump’s ideology and policies and those who are skeptical or opposed to his influence.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the question of Trump’s role within the Republican Party will undoubtedly continue to be a topic of debate and speculation. Haley’s statement serves as a reminder that not all Republicans are united in their support for Trump, and that his candidacy may face obstacles in securing the nomination and winning the general election.

In the meantime, platforms like Pro Trump News and Truth Gettr will continue to provide a space for Trump supporters to voice their opinions and stay engaged in conservative politics. These platforms serve as a valuable resource for those who feel disenfranchised by mainstream media and seek alternative sources of news and information.

Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election, the influence of Trump and his supporters within the Republican Party is unlikely to wane anytime soon. The divisions and debates sparked by his presidency have reshaped the political landscape and will continue to shape the future of the conservative movement in the United States.

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