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RINO Law Professor Takes Dramatic U-turn: Now Says 14th Amendment CANNOT Get Trump Off the Ballot…

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It is truly disheartening when so-called “beloved” conservative institutions fall prey to TDS stage 5 and veer off course. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence, although it does give us a chance to see how many of our supposed allies are, in fact, establishment RINOs. Still, it’s a tired pattern we’ve seen time and time again. And speaking of this pattern, recently the founder of the “conservative” legal group The Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi, made a startling claim, claiming that those trying to get Trump off the ballot via the 14th Amendment were justified and probably could have success. their efforts.

Get this: Calabresi sat down Norm Eisen (from Revolver News fame) in January 2021 and wrote an article for the New York Times (link to archive) saying that Trump should be impeached and indicted before he leaves office, or even at all afterso he could never hold office again.

Liberal activists and self-proclaimed “constitutional scholars” spanning the political spectrum have rallied behind the “14th Amendment theory,” claiming that Trump’s electoral conduct after 2020 disqualifies him from seeking future public office. This notion has gained a wide range of followers with different political perspectives.

What is truly baffling and totally un-American is when the elites of the one-party regime try to remove the most popular candidate from the ballot using these questionable tactics. Last time we checked this was America, not North Korea. This kind of conspiracy goes against the principles of fair and democratic elections. Unfortunately, it has become a recurring theme with Trump haters, who, in the pursuit of his downfall, are willing to cast aside even the most fundamental standards of our democratic process. The ends always justify the means when it comes to taking down Trump.

However, Steven’s commitment to the “14th Amendment” approach has proven short-lived. In a surprising and rather dramatic change of heart, he now claims that Trump is “not covered” by the 14th Amendment. His retraction stems from a recently published article that has swayed Steve’s opinion, arguing that the 14th Amendment does not apply to the president and that he is free to run for office.

The Messenger:

Law professor Steven Calabresi, who helped found the conservative legal group the Federalist Society, reversed his position on whether former President Donald Trump can appear on the ballot because of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, saying now he believes that he cannot be prevented from running.

“Former President Donald Trump is not covered by the disqualification clause and is eligible to run in the 2024 presidential election,” Calabresi said in a letter to the Wall Street Journal.


He said his opinion was influenced by a new article arguing that the phrase “officer of the United States” does not apply to the president for purposes of Section 3, which states that no elected official in the U.S. may engage in ” an insurrection or rebellion”. against the same, or given help or comfort to his enemies”.

Of course, it is commendable that Steven was open enough to recognize the flaws in his previous stance. However, the unfortunate reality is that many self-proclaimed “experts” often succumb to the trap of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which leads them to make misjudgments motivated more by their political biases than by their common sense or professional experience.



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