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Rich Men North Of Richmond Artist Dominates iTunes Top 10 [VIDEOS]

Rich Men North Of Richmond Artist Dominates iTunes Top 10 [VIDEOS]

As the legendary Andrew Breitbart often said, “Politics is downstream of culture.”

That said, it looks like the right, the conservatives, the populists, or whatever they’re called these days, are racking up some victories.

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Just take a look at what the iTunes top chart looks like right now. Oliver Anthony It basically came from nowhere to now occupy 40% of the top 10. Jason Aldean’s Try That In A Small Town is still going strong with fifth place as well.

Here are Oliver’s rich men in North Richmond who went thermonuclear megaviral and put him on the map.

Number two on iTunes…

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Number 4 on iTunes…

Number 5 on iTunes, Jason Aldean’s response to critics…

Number 9 on iTunes…

While the globalists call us “useless eaters,” Oliver says this…

It would seem as if we are winning some battles in the culture wars, but if we don’t win the 24th…

Mega Viral ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’ Artist Receiving Big Name Offers [VIDEO]

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