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Republicans Who Want War ‘To the Hilt’ Against Russia Forget The Lessons Of Iraq Republicans who want an endless war between Ukraine and Russia thin…

Republicans Who Want War ‘To the Hilt’ Against Russia Forget The Lessons Of Iraq Republicans who want an endless war between Ukraine and Russia thin…

The Republican hawks who are calling for an all-out war against Russia in Ukraine are ignoring the lessons of Iraq and the catastrophic consequences of the US-led invasion of that country. The 2003 invasion of Iraq, based on false claims of weapons of mass destruction, has cost the US more than $2 trillion, destabilized the Middle East, and cost thousands of American lives and the lives of countless innocent Iraqis.

It is hard to understand why these same Republican hawks are now advocating for a full-scale war with Russia over Ukraine. The current crisis in Ukraine is a complex one, with a long history of political, economic and cultural divisions between the two countries. It is not a conflict that can be solved through military intervention.

Russia has already sent troops into Ukraine, and it is highly unlikely that they will be withdrawn without a negotiated solution. A full-scale war would only lead to further destabilization of the region and could easily draw in other countries. It is a recipe for disaster.

The Republican hawks also ignore the fact that the US does not have the financial resources or political will to fight a protracted war with Russia. The US is already stretched thin militarily, and any large-scale military action against Russia would require the US to make significant sacrifices in other areas.

It is also important to remember that the US does not have a monopoly on power in the world. Russia is a powerful country with a large military and a nuclear arsenal. A war with Russia would be a dangerous and costly endeavor that could easily escalate beyond the control of either side.

The Republican hawks who are calling for war with Russia should remember the lessons of Iraq and the devastating consequences of the US-led invasion. A full-scale war with Russia would be a disaster for the US and the world. It is time for the US to pursue a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine, rather than a military one.

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