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Reports ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

The publishers of Chadwick Moore’s new book about Tucker Carlson, “Tucker: The Biography,” released Aug. 1, has charged Amazon with purposely under-reporting its sales of the book to make it appear like a “flop.”

‘The left-wing echo chamber is attempting to tank the book’s sales, using the BookScan number to prove the book is a flop, with the goal of diminishing Tucker’s stature and enforcing the narrative that Tucker is now irrelevant,” “Tucker” publisher All Seasons Press said in an Aug. 18 press release.

“The New York Times unsurprisingly totally excluded the book in spite of the fact that Tucker sold 50% more than [their] #2 nonfiction hardcover and just 150 units behind their #1!” the publisher said in the same release.

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Official statement regarding possible irregularities in reporting sales to BookScan by major retailers of @Chadwick_Moore’s biography of @TuckerCarlson.

— All Seasons Press (@AllSeasonsPress) August 16, 2023

“For the first week Tucker was on sale, BookScan only reported 3,227 copies sold, placing it 40th on its bestseller list. This is because it appears Amazon did not report its complete week one sales to BookScan,” All Seasons Press said in a previous release, Aug. 16. “If it had, it would have likely placed between 5th and 7th. BookScan does not measure actual sales from retailers but uses an algorithm taking samples from some, but not all, retailers. Most importantly, BookScan relies on accurate reporting from said retailers.”

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Bookscan ranks the sales of printed books only, not e-books, and relies on sales reports from major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and Walmart, according to a 2017 article on the “convoluted world of best-sellers list” in the liberal site Vox.

All Seasons Press statement on “Tucker” week 2 sales.

— All Seasons Press (@AllSeasonsPress) August 18, 2023

Predictably, the leftist media ran with the artificially low BookScan numbers.

Daily Mail reported Aug. 16: “In a number crunch seen by, a total of 7,523 units of ‘Tucker’ by Chadwick Moore were shipped to Amazon the week of July 24 – while another 5,163 were shipped to the seller between August 1 and 3.”

Meanwhile, the demand for “Tucker” has been so great that All Seasons Press announced Aug. 16 that it had “already ordered a second printing.”

At press time, “Tucker” was listed as #3 on Publishers Weekly’s “Hardcover Frontlist Nonfiction,” rising from #15 the previous week. It reports year-to-date sales of nearly 15,000 (printed) books in just the three weeks since it “Tucker” went on sale.

All Seasons Press knocked down the “book flop” and “Tucker’s irrelevance” narratives with facts like these:

At the time Tucker launched over 50,000 units had been shipped to retailers, including 7,523 units to Amazon.
Direct sales though the publisher of almost 6x the number of books reported by BookScan and the frenzied, error-ridden journalists.
When the book’s pre-sale was announced, the book reached #14 among All Books on Amazon, and #1 numerous categories.

Since the book was listed as “SOLD OUT” by Amazon on its launch day, the publisher asks these questions:

Did Amazon sell out of their 7,512 units almost immediately?
If so, we weren’t those sales reported to BookScan?
If they did not sell out of their 7,513 unit inventory, why did they announce that the book was sold out and unavailable for sale?

‘Do you want to cancel your order’?

City Journal reported Aug. 22 on another facet of the “Tucker” book saga: “Amazon fulfilled post-publication orders before shipping books to customers who’d preordered Tucker. And after describing the book as ‘Sold Out,’ Amazon didn’t order more copies from the publisher; on the contrary – and quite incredibly – it ’emailed many preorder customers to ask if they wanted to cancel their orders,’ and required them ‘to go on a desktop, not the app, and proactively confirm they still wanted the book or the order would automatically cancel.’”

In other words, writes City Journal’s Bruce Bawer: “Amazon made it easy for customers to cancel their orders and made it difficult for them to confirm their orders. What merchant eager to sell a product behaves in such a way? When you add it all up, it looks suspicious.”

“Our customer poll revealed 40% of Amazon customers who had pre-ordered Tucker, many as far back as May, had not received their copies ten days after launch. Amazon sales are not reported until a customer’s credit card is charged and the order ships, so the BookScan number does not reflect a significant number of Amazon pre-orders,” All Seasons Press’ Aug. 16 statement states.

At press time, “Tucker” was at #12 on the New York Times best-seller list for “Hardcover Nonfiction,” even though according to Publisher’s Weekly, its sales have eclipsed those of books higher on the list. For example, “trans” actor Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page’s book, “Page Boy,” sits at #6 on the Times’ nonfiction list but it is way down at #25 on PW’s nonfiction list (where “Tucker” is #3).

Vox reports the New York Times book-sellers list is by far the most important and influential of all such lists.

Amazon is now quickly filling orders for “Tucker”: this reporter placed an order on Amazon for a hardcover copy of the book and was notified that it will be delivered Friday. In addition to other retail stores and sites, the book is also available for purchase directly from the publisher HERE.

Back when he was Fox News’ most popular host, Carlson ripped the New York Times precisely for the same “dishonesty” of skewing its book sellers list:

Tucker Carlson reports that the New York Times is lying about the number one best selling book

It’s Alex Jones’ book

The Great Reset: And the War for the

— Blair (@skifflegirl) September 13, 2022

Moore suggests Fox News angle

As for book author Moore, he sent out a tweet Tuesday suggested that Fox News (without mention the name; Fox famously fired Tucker in April) was linked to the sales reporting scam: “Who do you think might have an interest in portraying Tucker as irrelevant without mainstream media? And do you think those people might have someone’s phone number at Amazon? Liberal media was then happy to be spoon-fed a false, negative story about #TuckerTheBook, one that read exactly like it written by a Media Relations Dept at a certain cable news channel. … Amazon has an easy way out. Pretend the false numbers were just a reporting mistake. A glitch. Oops! Our bad! … None of this was about me. I was just caught in the middle.”

Who do you think might have an interest in portraying Tucker as irrelevant without mainstream media? And do you think those people might have someone’s phone number at Amazon? Liberal media was then happy to be spoon-fed a false, negative story about #TuckerTheBook, one that read…

— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) August 22, 2023

As WND reported Wednesday, a whistleblower at Fox News told Moore that any mention of Tucker’s interview with Donald Trump — set to air just before the Fox News GOP debate’s scheduled to begin Wednesday night — was “banned” on the network, the “Tucker” author said in an interview.

Ironically, one of the media outlets that relished reporting the alleged “flop” of “Tucker,” using dubious numbers, was the Advocate, a magazine targeting the LGBT population, where Moore was occasionally published. The Advocate headline reads: “A Gay Conservative Wrote a Fawning Tome on Tucker Carlson. It Flopped.” Here is the lead paragraph: “A newly published biography of fired Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson is not doing well in sales. The book, authored by gay conservative Chadwick Moore, sold only 3,000 copies in its first week of publication, which ended August 1.”

The last line is: “Editor’s note: Chadwick Moore contributed to The Advocate several times between 2014 and 2016.”

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Today’s ruling elites champion policies every previous generation of Americans would have regarded as outright evil. At the top of that list would be the supremely radioactive issue – illuminated by the hit summer film “Sound of Freedom” – of the widespread trafficking and sexual slavery of children, as well as the shocking prevalence of pedophiles in the United States of America. Indeed, the U.S. is the largest market for child sexual abuse in the world.

According to Tim Ballard, who has led many missions rescuing sex-trafficked children around the world, the Biden administration actually ENABLES AND PROMOTES the trafficking and sexual slavery of children with its horrendous border policies, its push for early sexualization of children, championing children’s “right to consent” on everything including mutilating transgender surgeries, and so on.

“Pedophiles are sitting back right now,” says Ballard, “and going, ‘We’ve been pushing this agenda for decades, and now we don’t have to push any more, because the left is taking care of it for us’ – IN AMERICA!”

Ballard’s concerns are confirmed by Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower who recently testified before Congress that under Joe Biden, “THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME THE MIDDLEMAN IN A LARGE-SCALE, MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION.”

But that’s just the beginning. The whole, secret criminal mega-enterprise of child sex trafficking and the global elites’ affinity for pedophilia is exposed as never before in the August issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, in a groundbreaking issue titled “THE NEW AMERICAN SLAVE TRADE: How the Biden regime enables and promotes child sex trafficking in the U.S.A.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].


This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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