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Regime Media unveils new tactical move in its J6 coverage after lawsuit filed against Ray Epps

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The media has not shown an iota of empathy for the Americans caught up in the politicized January 6 spectacle, even the non-violent people who thought they were on a “sanctioned tour” of the Capitol with escorts friendly police officers The typical defendant of January 6 has received no sympathy from the mainstream media. Our esteemed reporters seem to believe that anyone who attended the January 6th event is a genuine insurrectionist who should rot in the depths of a DOJ dungeon, except for one peculiar person: Mr. Ray Epps.

It’s funny how Ray has become a favorite of the media and the regime considering he was in charge throughout the entire Capitol breach. He was literally calling the shots, leading the charge from the start and involved pretty much every step of the way.

The video even appears to show Epps “assaulting” police officers by shoving a giant sign at them.

Yet, for some unknown reason, Mr. Epps is not chastised, belittled, or labeled an “insurrectionary” by the media or anti-Trump figures like Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, or Adam Kinzinger. Some people speculate that this could be due to a possible connection between Mr. Epps and the government, but we don’t have firm answers on that yet.

At first, Ray’s actions were completely ignored. However, once Revolver’s investigative reporting put him in the spotlight, Mr. Epps strangely became something of a “hero”; shielded, loved and even depicted as a figure of admiration in certain circles. At the time, several anti-Trump politicians came to Mr. Eps. Adam Kinzinger was one of Ray’s staunchest defenders.


Representative Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, took aim at Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, accusing the congressman of promoting an “absolute lie” that Ray Epps is connected to the FBI.

Allegations that Epps, a Trump supporter at the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, was working for federal law enforcement have circulated widely in right-wing circles. There is no evidence to support the claim, and the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack has said Epps confirmed he did not work for the FBI.

“This is an absolute lie,” Kinzinger, a staunch Trump critic, wrote on Saturday, tagging Cruz in a Saturday Twitter post. The Illinois representative shared a screenshot of a campaign email for Cruz that suggested the senator was leading the charge to uncover the truth about Epps.

Now, we’re learning that Ray is suing Fox News over Tucker Carlson’s coverage of his actions on January 6th. Curiously, just one day after that announcement, the legacy media has made a sudden and dramatic shift in its coverage of the events of January 6th. It is no longer labeled as “riot” or “insurrection”. Now that Mr. Epps is suing Fox News and Tucker, the January 6 mayhem is being referred to as a “rally” and a “protest” and a “demonstration.”

No doubt this shift in the media fits a different regime pattern of being very easy on Mr. Eps.

Here’s a close-up of the images Jack shared:



You can see the Washington Post article for yourself here. The Post uses the word “riot” only once in the entire piece, in addition to a separate direct quote citing Fox News. The word “rioter” is nowhere to be found in the piece. Epps is referred to as a “demonstrator” and is said to have “protested.”

It’s certainly a surprising shift in the narrative of these publications. However, to be fair to Fox News, they have been relatively cautious in their reporting of the January 6 incident, mostly referring to it as a “protest.”

On the other hand, the Washington Post and the New York Times have regularly referred to it as a “riot” and an “insurrection” and calling those involved “rioters”.

The New York Times and Washington Post have dramatically changed their January 6 coverage of an alleged assassination attempt on Mike Pence to a minor “demonstration” by some disgruntled people. If it weren’t so dangerously misleading, this kind of blatant propaganda might almost be funny.

Is it just a coincidence that this sudden change in narrative comes just as Ray Epps is filing a lawsuit against Fox News and Tucker Carlson and directing attacks at Revolver News for our coverage of its prominent role during the riot? Maybe, but it’s doubtful. After all, if there’s one thing we should all know by now, it’s that there are no “coincidences” in politics.

For his part, the position of Ray Epps, according to his complaint against Fox News, is that he never worked for the federal government or served as an informant or confidential human source, and that he only tried to rile up the crowd on Jan. 5 to enter the Capitol because he thought the Rotunda was going to be. open to tourists! On Jan. 6, Epps alleges, he did a 180 and was just trying to calm the crowd down and de-escalate the situation! This position is, of course, contrary to the text message he sent his nephew affirming, “I was up front with a few others. I also orchestrated it.”

We encourage you to read our entire library of work on January 6th “Fedsurrection”. We’ve put everything in one easy-to-access place. You can access it just by clicking here.



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