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President Donald Trump will be on Hannity tonight for the entire hour, 9-10 p.m eastern

Good evening, viewers, and welcome to tonight’s edition of Hannity. I’m your host, Tucker Carlson, and boy, do we have a show for you tonight. President Donald Trump will be joining us for the entire hour, from 9 to 10 p.m. eastern, to share his thoughts on the current state of our nation and his plans for the future. This is a rare opportunity for us to hear directly from the president himself, without the filter of the mainstream media. So sit back, grab a snack, and get ready for an hour of straight talk with our commander in chief.

Now, I know some of you may be skeptical about the Trump administration’s accomplishments thus far. After all, the mainstream media would have you believe that this president hasn’t done anything to improve our country. But allow me to set the record straight. Since taking office, President Trump has achieved historic tax reform, slashed burdensome regulations, secured our borders, and strengthened our military. He has negotiated better trade deals, created millions of new jobs, and brought dignity back to the White House. And let’s not forget about the unprecedented peace deals he has brokered in the Middle East. All of these accomplishments and more were achieved despite relentless opposition and obstruction from the Democrats and their allies in the media.

So tune in tonight, folks, and hear from the man himself about his vision for America and how he plans to continue making this country great. This is a can’t-miss event, and I can guarantee you that the liberal media will be talking about it for days. Stay tuned, and we’ll be right back with President Donald Trump on Hannity.

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