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NYT independently verifies IRS whistleblower’s key allegation against Joe Biden

NYT independently verifies IRS whistleblower’s key allegation against Joe Biden

The New York Times has independently verified the validity of the IRS whistleblowers’ allegations, supporting their claim that the Department of Justice (DOJ) under President Biden interfered in the tax investigation of Hunter Biden.

According to the NYT article, a person with knowledge of the situation confirmed the whistleblowers’ testimony to The New York Times.

The confirmation, although buried in paragraph 21 of the article, lends credence to the explosive claims made by several IRS whistleblowers. The finding was reported by Washington Examiner investigative reporter Chuck Ross.

The NYT buries in paragraph 21 that it has an independent source confirming the claim of the two IRS whistleblowers that David Weiss said he was prevented from filing charges against Hunter Biden in California.

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) June 27, 2023

The key allegation is that the DOJ, by impeding US Attorney David Weiss, obstructed the prosecution of the charges against Hunter Biden in California.

DOJ interference also caused delays in the authentication of a WhatsApp message in which Hunter Biden demands payment from Chinese officials and mentions his father’s presence “in the room.” Those payments were made ten days later, bank records show.

On Thursday, House Media and Media Committee Chairman Jason Smith released five new documents, presenting evidence from two IRS whistleblowers who accuse Biden’s DOJ of interference. They claim that “Biden’s Justice Department is stepping in and overreaching when it comes to the investigation of the president’s son.”

During an interview with the House Ways and Means Committee on May 26, 2023, Gary Shapley, an IRS Criminal Investigation Supervisory Special Agent, revealed: “Beginning in October 2022, IRS CI has taken every opportunity to retaliate against me and my team.”

“Even after IRS CI senior management was told repeatedly that the Delaware US Attorney’s office and the Department of Justice were acting improperly, they agreed to a request from the DOJ to withdraw the entire team from the Hunter Biden investigation, a team that had been investigating this for over 5 years,” he said.

Shapley blew the whistle on alleged preferential treatment and unchecked conflicts of interest by the Delaware US Attorney’s office, the Justice Department’s tax division and the Justice Department itself. Those issues came during a crucial, high-profile investigation into Hunter Biden, the president’s son.

The IRS whistleblower mentioned that the investigation, which began in November 2018, progressed smoothly until Hunter Biden became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in April 2020. At that time, IRS officials DOJ’s career allegedly impeded the IRS’s investigative efforts, including the issuance of a search warrant. and 15 interviews.

During a call on June 16, 2020, between Shapley, another special agent, and the chain of command up to the director of field operations, Shapley expressed concern that normal procedures had not been followed, which caused delays. However, his superiors at the IRS decided to defer to the DOJ.

Shapley, who had significant interactions with U.S. Attorney David Weiss and individuals in the DOJ’s Prosecution Division from October 2020 to October 2022, disputed Attorney General Merrick Garland’s statement that Weiss had full authority to make decisions without DOJ permission to file charges. Shapley authenticated his claim with earlier emails.

In a CBS News interview, Shapley contradicted Garland’s claim, stating, “I documented exactly what happened. And it doesn’t seem to match what the attorney general or the US attorney is saying today.”

In an email exchange between Shapley and his supervisor after a meeting with Weiss on Oct. 7, 2022, Shapley wrote, “Weiss stated that he is not the person who decides whether charges will be filed.”

Shapley found this statement shocking, since David Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware, was responsible for issuing a plea agreement for the Hunter Biden investigation last week.

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