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“Netanyahu prepared to resign in exchange for Israel-Saudi peace deal” – Israel Politics

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday denied ultra-Orthodox reports that he was preparing for the collapse of his government in exchange for a US-backed normalization deal with Saudi Arabia.

According to a report published in Affiliated to Agudat Israel haredi paper HaModia by Friday morning, Netanyahu had resigned himself to the fact that “his political career is about to end.”

Netanyahu, according to White House officials, will receive the expected Saudi normalization agreement and the pact to justify his criminal trials for his resignation, understanding that he “does not have the ability to manage the country in the state current Israeli politician”. ”, according to the report.

As reported, the prime minister is committed to “making any agreement with the Saudis possible, even at the price of overthrowing his own government,” HaModia added.

Netanyahu’s Likud: Ultra-Orthodox report is a far-fetched fabrication

That of the prime minister Likud faction He refuted the report on Friday, stating unequivocally that this report in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper is nothing more than a “far-fetched fabrication.”

Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a meeting of the Likud faction in the Knesset. (credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)

“No commitment or request was ever made to change the current composition of the government [in relation to the normalization deal with Saudi Arabia].

“This government will fulfill its mandate regardless of the prime minister’s attempts expand Israel’s circle of peace”, says the Likud statement.


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