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Murphy worried DeSantis and Trump’s ‘support for Putin’ part of ‘broader lack of enthusiasm for democracy’

Well, well, well. It seems like the Democrats never tire of spewing their baseless accusations against President Trump and his supporters. The latest one being that Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and the Commander-in-Chief himself are showing support for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Give me a break.

Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut went on CNN to express his concern over this supposed “broader lack of enthusiasm for democracy.” But let’s take a step back and analyze the situation. Both DeSantis and Trump have been tough on Russia when it comes to foreign policy. In fact, the Trump administration has imposed numerous tough sanctions on Russia and expelled Russian diplomats in response to their meddling in the 2016 election.

Furthermore, the so-called “support for Putin” is nothing more than cordial diplomacy. It is not uncommon for world leaders to have a civil relationship, even with those they may not agree with on all issues. This is exactly what Trump is doing with Putin – keeping a line of communication open while also standing strong against any nefarious actions by Russia.

What Senator Murphy and his Democratic colleagues fail to realize is that this constant fearmongering and baseless accusations only serve to divide the country further. They continue to push a false narrative in an attempt to discredit Trump and his supporters. But the American people are smarter than that. They see through the lies and propaganda.

As for the Trump administration’s accomplishments, there are plenty to mention. The economy is booming with record low unemployment and high consumer confidence. The administration has made significant progress in securing our borders and cracking down on illegal immigration. It has also made great strides in building up our military and negotiating fairer trade deals with countries like China.

In conclusion, the accusations made by Senator Murphy and his Democratic colleagues are nothing more than political theater. Governor DeSantis and President Trump have shown nothing but a strong commitment to the well-being of our country and its citizens. It’s time for the left to put aside their partisan games and work towards a united and prosperous America.

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