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Most believe Biden is not in the ‘driver’s seat’

Most believe Biden is not in the ‘driver’s seat’

A large majority of voters believe that President Joe Biden’s age will be a serious issue to overcome in his re-election, and a majority, for the first time, do not believe that he makes the decisions in the Oval Office.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports poll, 55% said “others are making decisions for him behind the scenes.” Only 38 percent said the president is “really doing” his job.


“For the first time, a majority of American voters say Joe Biden is not in the driver’s seat,” Rasmussen tweeted.

Leading pollster Mark Mitchell said he has repeatedly asked likely voters about Biden’s command and the new findings are the worst yet.

For the first time, a majority of American voters say @joebiden is not in the driver’s seat.

55% now say others are calling the shots behind the scenes.

Only 32% of independents say he is actually doing the job of president.

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— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 5, 2023

He blamed the findings on Biden’s short work hours and limited public exposure.


“The number of voters who think Biden is really doing the job of president has completely collapsed, six points compared to 44% just over two months ago. The response ‘others make decisions for him’ has increased seven points from 48% in late February. It looks like those presidential caps and note images from Biden’s staged appearances could start to add up,” he said.

The survey followed reports that the sometimes confused president works short hours, will only be posted from 10am to 4pm and takes questions from reporters ahead of time so he can prepare answers.

His age has been a determining factor in several polls, but Rasmussen found that a whopping 73% believe he will be a serious factor in next year’s election.

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