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Mitch McConnell sent to rehab after hospitalization for concussion, rib fracture – The Donald – America First

Mitch McConnell sent to rehab after hospitalization for concussion, rib fracture – The Donald – America First

McConnell is 82 years old, extremely frail from age and also from having polio when he was young. He can barely walk and needs help most of the time in the Capitol building. We remember that President Trump offered his arm and Mitch held on for dear life to get to his seat during an official speech that Trump gave. Now Mitch has falling episodes. As a caregiver for my parents, step-parents and in-laws for the past 15 years, when older people start experiencing balance problems and falls, it is a very worrying sign. Every time I’ve been through this, it’s the rapid deterioration of a loved one and many physical dangers when they’re not supervised at all times. Still, they can fall when trying to get out of bed or from sitting, and each incident required an ambulance trip to the ER, broken hips, other bones, concussions, and copious bruises.

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