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Mississippi investigation today exposes dangers of one doctor’s reign over child abuse cases

Mississippi investigation today exposes dangers of one doctor’s reign over child abuse cases


Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Kudos to Mississippi Today and their investigation into the state’s only child abuse pediatrician, and this doctor’s reign of terror in destroying the lives of many families.

This is a 3 part series:

The field of Dr. Scott Benton is uniquely connected to the work of police, prosecutors and CPS staff. Their findings initiate investigations and help convict the accused. Critics say its alignment with law enforcement can mean it doesn’t always follow the science. (Full article.)

Benton’s testimony was a key factor in keeping two Mississippians convicted of shaking a baby to death from retrials. And while he claims to approach his work with scientific objectivity, a Mississippi Today review of his testimony found inconsistencies and a claim directly contradicted by the medical literature. (Full article.)

Three mothers who spoke to Mississippi Today say Benton did not sufficiently consider other explanations for their children’s injuries outside of abuse. In two of the cases, Child Protection Services had custody of their children. (Full article.)

We’ve been covering this very evil pediatric subspecialty among doctors for almost a decade now on our website, and we’ve published a book about the history and abuses these doctors cause, as full justification for their profession that employs them. finding “child abuse” and medically abducting children to put them into the lucrative business of child trafficking.

You can download this ebook right now for FREE in my Healthy Traditions store here.

Please get this book and read it so you can be informed about how this system works and the benefits of medical child abduction so that your family does not become one of the next victims.

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Posted on March 3, 2023

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