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Meet The Partisans Who Wove The Censorship Complex’s Vast And Tangled Web A search of government contracts and grants for the eight fiscal years from…

Meet The Partisans Who Wove The Censorship Complex’s Vast And Tangled Web A search of government contracts and grants for the eight fiscal years from…

The internet is a vast and ever-changing landscape, but behind the scenes, there’s a complex web of censorship woven by a select group of partisans. This complex censorship web is composed of government contracts and grants, as well as private interests and organizations. To understand the scope of this censorship web, one must look at the eight fiscal years from 2012 to 2019.

A search of government contracts and grants for the eight fiscal years reveals that many of the same organizations and individuals were involved in the censorship web. Some of the most prominent participants were the National Counterterrorism Center, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Department of Defense. Each of these organizations has its own set of rules and regulations for censorship, and these rules are often used to limit the public’s access to information.

In addition to government organizations, private interests also play a role in the censorship complex. Companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become powerful players in the censorship game, as they are able to limit the public’s access to certain types of content. For example, Google has a policy of removing content that it deems to be “inappropriate” or “offensive.” Facebook and Twitter have similar policies, but they also have the ability to block certain accounts or posts if they deem them to be a threat to the safety of their users.

The censorship complex is a tangled web with many participants, but at the center of it all are the partisans who are in charge of weaving it. These partisans include government organizations, private interests, and individuals. They are the ones who decide what content is acceptable and what content is not, and they are the ones who are responsible for ensuring that the censorship complex is operating as it should.

The censorship complex is a complex and ever-changing web, and it is important to understand the role of the partisans who are responsible for maintaining it. By understanding the participants and their roles, we can better understand how the censorship complex works and how it can be used to protect the public’s access to information.

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