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Media Attacking ‘Sound of Freedom’ All Have 1 Thing in Common: Adoration of Netflix’s Sick ‘Cuties’

Media Attacking ‘Sound of Freedom’ All Have 1 Thing in Common: Adoration of Netflix’s Sick ‘Cuties’

Title: Media Attacking ‘Sound of Freedom’ All Have One Thing in Common: Adoration of Netflix’s Sick ‘Cuties’


The entertainment industry has always been a subject of criticism due to its questionable choices and controversial content. Recently, Netflix faced immense backlash for its controversial film ‘Cuties,’ which many argue sexualizes young girls. Surprisingly, it appears that media outlets tarnishing the reputation of the film ‘Sound of Freedom’ share a peculiar love for ‘Cuties.’ This odd connection raises questions about their motives and their stance on moral values.

The Troubling ‘Cuties’ Controversy:

‘Cuties’ earned national attention after its release on Netflix in September 2020. The French film, directed by Maïmouna Doucouré, depicts the story of an eleven-year-old girl navigating her way through the world of twerking competitions and explicit dance routines. Many viewers, along with concerned citizens and parents, found the film disturbing, arguing it borderlined on promoting child exploitation and hypersexualization. The controversy surrounding ‘Cuties’ grew with widespread debate on social media platforms.

Enter ‘Sound of Freedom’:

Amidst the ‘Cuties’ debacle, an independent film named ‘Sound of Freedom’ emerged to shed light on the horrifying reality of child trafficking and sex slavery. The film, directed by Alejandro Monteagudo and starring Jim Caviezel, tells the true story of Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent who fights against child trafficking through his organization Operation Underground Railroad (OUR).

Media’s Double Standards:

While ‘Cuties’ stirred a heated debate about the fine line between artistic expression and child exploitation, media outlets that openly endorse the film seem to attack films like ‘Sound of Freedom’ viciously, stifling its reach. This raises concerns about these outlets’ moral compass and their priorities when it comes to promoting and supporting content.

The motive behind their criticism appears to be rooted in the narrative and subject matter tackled by ‘Sound of Freedom.’ By exposing the dark underbelly of child trafficking, the film challenges societies, governments, and viewers alike to confront an uncomfortable reality. However, instead of acknowledging the importance of the subject matter, critics seem more focused on discrediting the film due to its association with conservative values.

Fear of Conservative Narratives:

The case of ‘Sound of Freedom’ exposes a deep-seated bias within media outlets, demonstrating a fear of exploring conservative narratives that speak out against societal evils. The attempt to suppress or discredit such films not only undermines artistic freedom, but also stifles important discussions on critical issues such as child trafficking that demand urgent attention.


The disturbing connection between the adoration of ‘Cuties’ and the criticism towards ‘Sound of Freedom’ raises questions about the motivations and values of media outlets. The double standards exhibited, wherein films sexualizing young children are hailed while films exposing the horrors of child trafficking are scrutinized, is deeply troubling.

It is crucial that media outlets set aside their personal biases and consider the larger societal implications of the content they support or criticize. By doing so, they will contribute to a more responsible and objective assessment of films like ‘Sound of Freedom’ and other important works that draw attention to serious issues plaguing our world.

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