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Man threatens reporter seeking Nashville shooter’s manifesto: I’ll go to jail ‘to finish you off’

(LifeSiteNews) — A Tennessee man has issued a death threat to a reporter who was suing to get it manifesto of the gender-confused shooter who killed six people at a Christian elementary school in Nashville earlier this year.

Michael Alonzo Rouse, 49, threatened Michael Patrick Leahy, CEO of Star News Network and its parent company, Star News Digital Media Inc., for Leahy’s efforts to publicize the manifesto of “transgender” killer Audrey Hale through a lawsuit.

“Michael Patrick Leahy … if it wasn’t illegal to hit you … I would have done it months ago,” Rouse wrote in an email to Leahy, obtained for Just the news. “I’ve called your show twice because you decided to bring transgender Audrey Hale home while the people who suffered healed. You dirty potatoes eating Mick. If I see you on the street… I’ll end your conservative slanted eye with…”.

It continued, “I’m willing to go to jail to finish you off. You stupid Irish doe-eyed bastard. Either you end your talk show or I’ll end your life in real time while you do it. You have no right to Audrey Hale’s manifesto and you just want content by getting it.”

“Send in the authorities. Better if you still want to live, Leahy,” read the final line of the email, according to the news release. way out.

The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office shared that a misdemeanor harassment citation was issued for Rouse on July 10, and a warrant was issued for his arrest the next day for aggravated harassment, which is a felony when the victim is over 65. Rouse was arrested and charged on July 11.

The sheriff’s office told Just the News that Rouse’s bond was set at $7,500 and he is due in court on Sept. 7.

In May, Star News Digital Media, Inc. presented a lawsuit against the FBI for failing to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to release shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto. Leahy and Matthew Kittle are listed as plaintiffs, represented by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL). The document has remained hidden from the public since she tragically murder three children and three adults at The Covenant School on March 27.

Despite properly filed requests and a follow-up appeal of the agency’s denial, the press was denied its legal rights to access the manifesto, with the FBI stating that “publication of the manifesto ‘could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.'”

“Hale is deceased and there is no threat to the public related to the events of March 27,” the complaint says. “There is no criminal prosecution, investigation, or anything resembling an ‘enforcement proceeding.’ Enough time has passed, and the public has an urgent right to know why this tragedy occurred, how future events can be prevented, and what policies should be put in place to deal with this and other similar tragedies. The FBI has no right to maintain a monopoly on this information.”

The complaint also described several instances in which other media received manifestos or memos written by mass shooters just days or weeks after various tragedies occurred.

“One could speculate as to why the FBI has released so many other manifestos, but not this one. But such speculation is unnecessary for purposes of this lawsuit. The simple fact is that the FBI has not justified its refusal to release this manifesto under FOIA; there is no reasonable possibility that the release would interfere with an ‘enforcement proceeding’ under the FOIA exception.”

“Releasing these records is critical to understanding the mind and actions of a mass murderer and can help shape public policy to most effectively protect American citizens,” said Leahy, CEO and editor-in-chief. said in terms of demand. “We believe the public’s right to know is so important that we are willing to challenge the most powerful law enforcement agency in America.”

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham shared Friday morning that after contacting the Metro Nashville Police Department to ask when the manifesto and other documents related to Hale would be released, they responded that part of it is “currently stuck in the court system.”

The FBI also told Ingraham they would not comment on the matter, which Ingraham said “feeds into the public’s lack of confidence in these institutions.”

“They withhold information that’s inconvenient to some narrative, political or otherwise, and then flood the market with information when they think it’s advancing a political agenda. At least that’s what it looks like,” Ingraham told Leahy on Friday.

Deputy Attorney of WILL Lucas Vebber said that “the federal government cannot pick and choose whether to release information that legally belongs to the public. Our efforts are critical to holding our federal government accountable and promoting transparency.”

While the manifesto remains hidden from the public, MNPD shared additional information about the shooter and the tragedy in the days following the killing. During a press conference after the incident, the police revealed that the gender-confused woman who killed three 9-year-olds and three adults was in legal possession of seven guns. Hale’s parents, with whom the 28-year-old still lived at the time of the shooting, told police they did not want her to have guns because of an “emotional disorder” she was being treated for.

The following week, police Updated public once again, sharing the information that while Hale had “acted entirely alone” in the shooting, she had also been “planning over a period of months to commit mass murder at The Covenant School.”

After the horrible murders, US turning point Benny Johnson took to Twitter to point out that Hale is among several mass shooters in recent memory who have identified as “trans” or “non-binary.”


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