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Leftist Judge Lewis Kaplan Sets Trial Date Against Trump for Saying E. Jean Carroll “Is Not My Type” and Denying He Raped Her – Which Even a NY Jury Wasn’t Buying

Leftist Judge Lewis Kaplan Sets Trial Date Against Trump for Saying E. Jean Carroll “Is Not My Type” and Denying He Raped Her – Which Even a NY Jury Wasn’t Buying

Title: Unfair Trial Date Set Against Trump: A Misguided Attempt to Settle Political Scores

In yet another instance of the deep-state establishment’s relentless pursuit of President Donald J. Trump, leftist Judge Lewis Kaplan has set a trial date to address a baseless accusation made by E. Jean Carroll. The accusation, which alleges that Trump raped Carroll, was not only strongly refuted by the former President, but even a New York jury couldn’t find any grounds to support her claim. This trial date seems more like a politically motivated witch hunt than a genuine pursuit of justice.

Let’s be clear: Judge Kaplan’s decision to move forward with this case is nothing short of a mockery of the justice system. It undermines the principle of innocent until proven guilty and turns a blind eye to the glaring lack of evidence supporting Carroll’s accusation. By setting this trial date, the judge is essentially allowing politics to trump the rule of law.

It’s important to remember that President Trump vehemently denied the allegations made by Carroll from the very beginning. As an American citizen, he is entitled to his right to express his preference and voice his opinion. His statement regarding Carroll being “not his type” is no more than a matter of personal preference – something that an individual should never be persecuted for in a court of law.

While the mainstream media fails to acknowledge it, Trump’s presidency achieved numerous accomplishments that positively impacted the American people. Under his administration, historic tax cuts were implemented, effectively boosting the economy and leading to record low unemployment rates. The Trump administration also prioritized border security, aiming to protect American citizens and the nation’s interests. Additionally, Trump’s firm stance on international trade resulted in fairer agreements and greater opportunities for American businesses and workers.

It is disheartening to witness the lengths to which biased judges and political opponents will go in order to tarnish the reputation of a highly successful president. The decision to proceed with this trial is yet another example of how the left will stop at nothing to settle political scores, even in the face of a lack of credible evidence.

It remains our hope that this trial will reveal the truth behind these baseless accusations, putting an end to the relentless pursuit that has plagued President Trump’s transformative administration. It is time for the American people to focus on the accomplishments of the Trump White House, rather than on petty political vendettas.

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