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Lawyers say DOJ wants to ‘censor’ Trump |

Former President Trump and his lawyers accused the Justice Department on Monday of proposing to “censor” his rights to publicly disclose evidence, including witness information, in the government’s case against him in its 2020 election conspiracy case .

Trump wants changes, but he’s also capitalizing on his supporters’ belief that President Biden’s Justice Department is targeting the former president for political gain.

Bottom line: The back-and-forth that has begun with procedural legal exchanges early in the government’s case portends a political defeat without an inch. Trump’s thicket of legal troubles in at least two states and the nation’s capital ensures that few Americans are likely to follow the details of the legal filings closely, but voters are forming opinions long before a trial.

Trump’s allies in the media immediately referred to the Justice Department’s efforts to secure a protective order as an attempt to “gag” the former president, saying any restrictions could violate Trump’s First Amendment rights. Some supporters predicted that the former president, known for speaking first and worrying about the consequences later, might ignore the restrictions imposed by US District Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington, DC.


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