Good afternoon, ‘pedes of the Late Night Crew! It’s Monday night! Tomorrow is the big day? No, they’ll probably drag it. The issue is not justice or integrity. The point is to prevent Donald J. Trump from running for president again. That’s because if he does, he’ll win. I know it, you know it, we all know it.
So will they take it? Or will they just threaten it, so then it becomes the headline? Make sure everyone knows that Donald J. Trump is a criminal! Why else would the state be holding him? This case in New York is only the tip of the iceberg. Georgia wants a piece of that, too, and the J6 committee was set up entirely as a defendant seeking a charge. This witch hunt disgraces our nation.
Since President Trump said his shit, there has been an additional witness who had to testify before the grand jury before he could be indicted. Did this happen today? Now there is another testimony on Wednesday, so when will that happen? I just want to know why I need to book my tickets.
We have had a “deep state” controlling our government since about Kennedy. They know all the levers of power, and they have rank and file people running the show in all the important places. Don’t you think this mechanism will fight back if threatened? What do you think it would be like to clear this swamp?
This is a question that has haunted me for years. The deep state is not going to jail. They will fight with everything they have. President Trump is smart enough to know that, but how ugly will this get? I have no idea, but if anyone can find a way to overcome this crisis and save our Republic, it’s President Donald John Trump, God-Emperor of the United States of America.
Tonight I will do without the music. Tonight, instead, I’ll be hooking you up with some of President Donald J. Trump’s best. The best is yet to come.