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KJP reacts to demands that Fox News be regulated by the US government

KJP reacts to demands that Fox News be regulated by the US government

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had the audacity to complain about Fox News’ objectivity in a recent interview with left-wing Mediaite host Dean Obeidallah.

“Look, the FCC as the law is right now, it doesn’t cover cable news,” Obeidallah said. “We all know that. Broadcast news, though. It does. That, it’s called distortion. And you have to prove that they said something false on purpose that they knew was false and that they could be punished. They can lose your license on a network. Does not apply to cable.”

“Do you think there’s any opportunity to explore the idea of ​​expanding that, it would take an act of Congress, to expand the mandate of the FCC to include, just to apply, what already applies to CBS and ABC and FOX to the cable network equally?” he continued. “It would apply to everybody, if (inaudible) did the same thing that we know Fox did. Because if not, why wouldn’t Fox continue to lie to the American public without consequence? I don’t know why they would stop this.”

“So, look, I have to be careful. FCC is an independent agency, so we have to be careful here. But I get your point,” he said.

“You know, look, I think everybody has a responsibility, if you call yourself a news organization, to be honest, you know, and I mean, that’s probably as far as I can go,” he continued. “I think when you ask me about Fox, and I think that’s the question I got on MSNBC with Alex was pretty close to that.”

“But to the question you asked, you just asked me,” he continued. “And the best way I can answer is that even the leadership of Fox News, in their statements they say, as we, as I was asked about the Tucker Carlson show, that it is not news and it is not true. And I think that tells you everything you need to know. I mean, when the leadership says it, I think that tells you everything you need to know and I’ll leave it there.”

That’s not what Fox News management said, namely that Tucker Carlson is not “truthful.” Rupert Murdoch in his statement said that “maybe Sean and Laura went too far” in hearing possible evidence of electoral fraud.

While Fox News detractors talk about Tucker Carlson’s editorializing on his show, it’s no different than what an Obama-appointed judge said about MSNBC host Rachel Maddow in court in 2021.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald said the judge ruled that “Maddow’s show is different from a typical news segment where anchors update viewers on the day’s news.” Here is its description:

Maddow does not keep her political views a secret, and therefore the public might expect her to use subjective language that fits her political views.

Thus, Maddow’s show is different from a typical news segment where anchors inform viewers about the day’s news. The point of Maddow’s show is for her to provide the news, but also give her opinions on that news.

In other words, it’s not dissimilar in concept to Tucker Carlson Tonight, where the Fox News host challenges prevailing wisdom and news reporting on current events.

In response to the lawsuit, Fox said the filings showed Dominion “used further distortions and misinformation in its public relations campaign to defame Fox News and trample on freedom of speech and freedom of the press.”

Speaking of distortions and misinformation, Karine Jean-Pierre may be the only person in history who could challenge the “Queen of Misinformation” Jen Psaki for being the most dishonest press secretary in American history. KJP has lied about Biden’s visit to the border, denied that the FBI has detained pro-life Americans, and covered up Biden’s obvious problems. These lies are just for starters, as points out:

“Fact checkers” can ignore KJP’s many lies, even when he criticizes Fox News for its supposed lack of “truth”. But you won’t get that step here.


Jen Psaki admits she can “completely relate” to Democrats who want to ban Fox News

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