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Kamala Harris Not Returning Elizabeth Warren’s Calls, Furious With Her

Kamala Harris Not Returning Elizabeth Warren’s Calls, Furious With Her

Recently, there has been news circulating that the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has not been returning the calls of Senator Elizabeth Warren, which has caused speculation and controversy in the political world. The reports suggest that Kamala Harris is furious with Elizabeth Warren, which has raised questions regarding the reasons behind this sudden fallout.

Elizabeth Warren is a Massachusetts Senator, who is known for her progressive policies and fights for the working-class people. She has been a vocal advocate for various social and economic issues in the country, such as student loan debt relief, racial justice, and wealth inequality, among others. On the other hand, Kamala Harris, who is the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President of the United States, has a reputation for being a tough and assertive politician, who has stood up against injustice and advocated for the rights of marginalized communities.

Therefore, the news of a possible feud between the two women has surprised many people, who have been looking to them to work together and push forward the Biden administration’s agenda on various fronts. However, the reasons behind the fallout are not entirely clear, and there have been conflicting reports from different sources, which have further fueled the speculation and rumors. In this article, we will try to unpack and understand the possible reasons behind the tensions between Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.

The Background

The relationship between Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren goes back to the primaries of the 2020 presidential election when they were both contenders for the Democratic nomination. Kamala Harris, who was then a senator from California, was a rising star in the party and had impressed many with her charisma, intelligence, and courage to speak her mind. Elizabeth Warren, who was already a senator from Massachusetts, was a seasoned politician, who had a well-established reputation of being a fighter for the people.

The two women had different styles and approaches to politics, but they shared many similarities in terms of their vision for the country. They were both progressive and believed in the power of government to create positive change in people’s lives. They also stood up against corporate greed, corruption, and abuse of power. However, they also had some differences on certain issues, such as healthcare and criminal justice reform.

During the debates, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren had a few heated exchanges, particularly over Kamala Harris’s record as a prosecutor and her stance on busing in the 1970s. However, they also showed mutual respect and admiration for each other’s contributions to the party and the country. When Joe Biden won the nomination and chose Kamala Harris as his running mate, Elizabeth Warren endorsed the ticket and campaigned for them.

After the election, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren were expected to work closely together on advancing the Democratic agenda, particularly on issues, such as healthcare, education, and climate change. However, the recent reports suggest that there has been a breakdown in communication and relationship between the two women, which has caused disappointment and concern among their supporters and constituents.

The Reports

The news of Kamala Harris not returning Elizabeth Warren’s calls first emerged in a Politico article published in early June. The article cited unnamed sources close to both women, who revealed that the two had not spoken for several weeks, despite Elizabeth Warren’s attempts to reach out to Kamala Harris. The sources claimed that Kamala Harris was “absolutely furious” with Elizabeth Warren over a couple of incidents that had occurred in the past months.

One of the incidents was related to the confirmation of Neera Tanden as the director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is an important position in the White House that oversees the budget and policies of the federal government. Neera Tanden, who was a close ally of Hillary Clinton and a progressive policy wonk, had been nominated by Joe Biden for the position in November 2020. However, her confirmation was derailed by opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, particularly over her past tweets and comments that were deemed controversial and partisan.

During the confirmation process, Elizabeth Warren had been a vocal supporter of Neera Tanden, praising her qualifications and experience. She had also defended her against the attacks from the Republicans, arguing that Neera Tanden had apologized for her past statements and deserved a fair hearing. However, Kamala Harris had reportedly been skeptical of Neera Tanden’s nomination from the beginning and had voiced her concerns to Joe Biden privately.

According to the sources, Kamala Harris felt that Elizabeth Warren had not consulted her or the White House enough before publicly endorsing Neera Tanden, which put her in a difficult position. She also felt that Elizabeth Warren had not done enough to persuade other senators, including Joe Manchin and Bernie Sanders, to support Neera Tanden, which led to her eventual withdrawal from consideration in March 2021. Kamala Harris, who was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, had reportedly been supportive of Neera Tanden’s nomination, but she had to vote against her to avoid a political embarrassment for the administration.

The second incident that reportedly caused friction between Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren was related to the infrastructure bill that Joe Biden had proposed in March 2021. The bill, which was worth $2.3 trillion, aimed to invest in various sectors, such as transportation, housing, energy, and broadband, and create jobs for millions of Americans. It was also meant to tackle the climate crisis and address the racial and economic inequalities that had been exacerbated by the pandemic.

However, the infrastructure bill faced opposition from some Democrats, particularly those who thought that it did not go far enough in addressing the climate crisis and other progressive priorities. Some progressives, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, called for a larger and bolder package that included provisions, such as the Green New Deal, free college, and universal healthcare. Elizabeth Warren, who had always been a champion of economic justice and progressive taxation, also suggested that the bill should include a wealth tax and higher corporate taxes to pay for the investments.

On the other hand, Kamala Harris reportedly favored a more moderate approach to the infrastructure bill, which focused on bipartisanship and compromise. She reportedly advised Joe Biden to negotiate with the Republicans and reach a deal that could pass both chambers of Congress with some Republican support. She also argued that the bill should be paid for by closing tax loopholes and cracking down on tax evasion, rather than raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

The sources claimed that Kamala Harris was disappointed that Elizabeth Warren had criticized the infrastructure bill publicly and had not consulted her or the White House before doing so. She felt that Elizabeth Warren had undermined the administration’s efforts to pass a bipartisan bill and had created unnecessary tension within the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris also reportedly thought that Elizabeth Warren’s proposals, such as the wealth tax, were unrealistic and politically risky, and could jeopardize the chances of passing any bill at all.

The Reactions

The news of the tension between Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren has caused mixed reactions from the public and the media. Some people have expressed disappointment and concern that two of the most prominent female politicians in the country are not getting along and are not working together to advance the progressive agenda. They have pointed out that Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren share many common goals and principles and that their feud could undermine the prospects of passing meaningful legislation on key issues.

Others have defended Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren and argued that it is natural for politicians to have differences and disagreements, and that it does not necessarily mean that their relationship is irreparably damaged. They have also suggested that the media should focus more on the substance of the issues and the policies being debated, rather than on the personalities and egos of individual politicians.

Some have also criticized the sources of the reports and questioned their credibility and motives. They have pointed out that the sources were anonymous and could have personal biases or agendas that are not disclosed. They have also suggested that the reports could be part of a broader effort to divide and weaken the progressive movement and the Democratic Party as a whole.

The Conclusions

In conclusion, the reports of Kamala Harris not returning Elizabeth Warren’s calls and being furious with her have caused controversy and speculation in the political world. The reports suggest that the tensions between the two women are related to their differences on key issues, such as the confirmation of Neera Tanden and the infrastructure bill. However, the reasons behind the fallout are not entirely clear, and there have been conflicting reports from different sources.

Regardless of the reasons, the fallout between Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren is disappointing and concerning, given their shared commitment to progressive policies and social justice. It is important for them and other politicians in the Democratic Party to work together and find common ground, rather than being divided by personal grudges or ideological differences. The American people deserve politicians who put the interests of the country and the people first, and who are willing to compromise and cooperate to achieve meaningful change.

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