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Judge Aileen Cannon faces Special Counsel Jack Smith…

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This is why they so desperately want Judge Aileen Cannon to recuse herself…

Julie Kelly reports:

BREAKING: This is why they want to get rid of Judge Aileen Cannon in classified documents case. His first shot from special counsel Jack Smith:

“PAPERLESS ORDER denying without prejudice the Government’s motion to implement a special condition of release. The Government seeks an order establishing a special condition of bail related to the communication of the defendants (Trump and Nauta) with eighty-four witnesses listed on the facts of the case, except through counsel.

The Government makes its request subject to the presentation of the non-exhaustive, sealed list. Defendants take no position on the Government’s stamp application, but reserve the right to object to the special condition and the manner in which the Government intends to apply it.

Meanwhile, numerous news organizations have moved to intervene to oppose the Government’s motion to submit the witness list under seal, citing the First Amendment and related legal principles. After review of the foregoing materials, the Government’s motion is denied without prejudice, and the motion to intervene and accompanying motions to appear pro hac vice are denied as moot.

The Government Motion does not explain why it is necessary to present the list to the Court; does not provide a particularized basis to justify sealing the list from public view; fails to explain why partial sealing, wording or other means of sealing are unavailable or unsatisfactory; and does not specify the duration of any proposed seal. The Clerk is directed to return the Pro Hac Vice fees to the presenting attorneys. Signed by Judge Aileen M. Cannon on 6/26/2023.


More from Kelly:

Not only is Smith trying to keep this case sealed from the American people, but he is placing absurd restrictions on the former president and Walt Nauta on how the evidence can be viewed. Cannon denies Smith’s lawsuit to bar Trump and Nauta from communicating with at least 84 WITNESSES.

And this:

Full image:

In other news, Jack Smith has asked the court to continue the trial to December 11, 2023 after Judge Cannon called his bluff asking for a speedy trial schedule.

Jack Smith: This is a simple case, and we want a quick, speedy trial… wait, no, not so fast!

Fiery Andrew Weissman is deeply disturbed by his order.

They are worried…

The next hearing will be on July 14.



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