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Joe Biden is the enabler-in-chief…

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have you heard They found cocaine in the White House. That’s right people, decency is back!

What’s really funny is that Hunter, a known coke addict, has free access to the White House and can come and go with less security than the average visitor. Joe made it very clear to his staff that he would not limit visits with his troubled son.

NBC News:

NBC News reported that the president had made it clear to his political aides that he would not listen to advice to limit public appearances with his embattled son.

Did Hunter really move into the White House so that Joe, a classic “enabler”, can keep an eye on him because Hunter is destined to fail and will likely break his pre-trial diversion agreement and face punishment and humiliation?

That is, unless Joe can sweep everything under the rug, including all the white powdery substances…


Hunter Biden, a frequent target of Republican scrutiny, has seen his father regularly since reaching a deal with federal prosecutors in June to plead guilty to lesser tax crimes.

His regular appearances with the president before and after the deal was made public have led people to believe he lives in the White House.


While it is unclear whether the president’s son officially resides there, his stays and public appearances have drawn scrutiny from Republicans.

Speaking of white stuff, even more curious is that Hunter was in the White House a couple of days before the coke was found and right before he left for Camp David with Joe Biden.

The cocaine was reportedly found in the library, a place where Hunter is said to have been sitting on his laptop; here we go again with Hunter’s “laptop” issues. Maybe I should avoid technology all together?

This is a picture of the library:

Ari Fleischer makes a very valid point about the location of cocaine. Will journalists really do their jobs? Don’t hold your breath.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect all these dots, does it?

Daily mail:

The Biden family returned to the White House for Independence Day celebrations as the Secret Service investigated cocaine found in the mansion’s library Sunday night.

Joe and Jill were joined by son Hunter, his wife Melissa and three-year-old son Beau as they left Marine One on Tuesday after the discovery of white powder led to an emergency and forced the evacuation of the House White.

A dispatch call reviewed by reveals that a preliminary test found the white powder tested positive for cocaine, prompting the evacuation of the White House facility.

The discovery came two days after Hunter, 52, was last seen at the White House as he headed to Camp David with his father over the long holiday weekend.

The mystery of who brought cocaine to the White House has emerged, and the Secret Service is investigating the matter.

Trolls speculate that the president’s addicted son is the source of the illegal substance.

The White House library, however, is part of the tour that members of the public pass through regularly. It is also located two floors below the home of the first family.

No matter how much Joe, the Chief Enabler, tries to protect and shield his son; it’s a futile and fruitless endeavor because when Hunter, a heart addict, is getting pissed off and dying from a hit, nothing can stop him.



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