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Is the Biden regime giving Maui the East Palestine treatment? [VIDEO]

In a recent development, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris announced they would postpone their planned visit to Maui. This decision reportedly comes in the wake of concerns that their presence could divert attention from ongoing relief efforts on the island.

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An official statement from the White House underlined the regime’s supposed commitment to helping Maui during these difficult times. It read: “The President and Vice President believe it is of the utmost importance to ensure that nothing detracts from ongoing relief and relief efforts. Their presence, however well-intentioned, could inadvertently divert the focus from ‘these efforts’.

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Do people really believe that this decision by the Biden-Harris duo shows a sense of responsibility and prioritization?

Joe not visiting Maui now echoes the recent history of how he and his regime treated the people of East Palestine, Ohio.

It’s been 189 DAYS since the derailment and 162 DAYS since Joe Biden said he would visit her “at some point”

Biden hasn’t said a word about it since.

People are suffering. They are still not receiving a RESPONSE.

I am sick and tired of these great people being ignored. Next week I will be in East Palestine.

Let’s not let Biden get away with it.

Stay tuned.” –

Nick Sortor

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