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Hunter Biden's “Laptop from Hell” serving as evidence in his trial is pure poetic justice

It's official.

Hunter Biden's 'laptop from hell' is the government's exhibit 16 in the first son's gun trial in Delaware.

The silver MacBook Pro 13, covered in a clear plastic wrap, was seen publicly for the first time on Tuesday at 2:10 p.m., when prosecutor Derek Hines took it to court for his first witness, Special Agent FBI Erika Jensen, who confirmed it was Hunter's. laptop from the serial number on the back.

Sitting at the bar table, Hunter was inscrutable behind salmon-pink reading glasses as the laptop that threatens to land him in jail and politically burn his father calmly crossed the room.

Three years and eight months since you first heard about it in the New York Post, Jensen said the FBI obtained the laptop in 2019 with a subpoena from The Mac Shop in Wilmington, where it had been “abandoned” by Hunter.

He said investigators corroborated the contents of the laptop with Hunter's iCloud that they obtained from Apple with a subpoena.

We told you!

When The Post broke the story before the 2020 election in October 2020, publishing evidence from the laptop of Joe Biden's involvement in his family's global influence peddling: Big Tech censored us and 51 former intelligence officials falsely accused us of planting “Russian disinformation.”

Then-presidential candidate Biden lied to the American people that the laptop was a “Russian plant.”

If you weren't a reader of this paper and simply believed Biden's lies, Tuesday's courtroom revelations would have come as a thunderbolt.

Hines told the jury that when Hunter bought a gun after checking a box on a federal background form that said he was not a drug user, he “chose to possess a firearm illegally” and “chose to lie…no one can lie, not even Hunter Biden.

Hines then directed Agent Jensen through messages and laptop images of a half-naked Hunter with drug paraphernalia to argue that Hunter was using drugs during the period before, during and after October 12 of 2018, the day his father drove. Cadillac to a local gun store and bought a gun.

The jury kept an intense, unsmiling focus on evidence showing Hunter spent $50,000 a month on ATM withdrawals while arranging alleged buys of crack cocaine.

Hallie on the way out

Hunter's disembodied voice filled the courtroom as prosecutors played audiobook excerpts from his memoir, in which he admitted to smoking crack every 15 minutes, seven days a week between 2015 and 2019, marked for six costly rehabilitation attempts.

Hallie BidenHunter's former lover, his brother Beau's widow, who tossed his new gun in a trash can outside a nearby gourmet market, will be the fourth witness for the prosecution, after Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and his ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan.

Hunter “introduced Hallie to crack,” Hines said, but before he dropped his gun, she “had been clean for two months and is still clean.”

She will testify under a “grant of immunity” to avoid potentially incriminating herself.

But in a sign that Hunter plans to throw Hallie under the bus, her attorney Abbe Lowell highlighted her grant of immunity to the jury as a reason to treat her testimony with caution.

He portrayed Hallie as irresponsible in her handling of the gun or, as Hunter put it to her in text messages from his laptop, “totally irresponsible” and “bewildered.”

Hunter “put the gun in a locked box in his truck,” Lowell said.

But Hallie “took it upon herself to take the gun and the bullets and . . . put it in her bag . . . and decided to drive her car with the bag to Janssen's house [Market] and then he took the bag and put it in a bin in front of the store and left.”

In the insular Biden dynasty, being on the outside is a hostile place.

Perhaps this is where Hallie is, the daughter of a local dry cleaner who married the prince.


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