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On Tuesday, October 6th, 2020, a man called into a news station in California with a chilling message about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The caller, identified as 56-year-old San Francisco resident Steven Carreiro, claimed that he was the one who had attacked Pelosi in her office the previous day.

The incident occurred on Monday, October 5th, when Pelosi was in her office in the Capitol Building. Carreiro allegedly burst into the office, yelling and screaming, and attempted to grab Pelosi’s purse. He was quickly subdued by security guards and taken into custody.

Carreiro called into a news station in San Francisco on Tuesday, claiming responsibility for the attack. He said that he had been “sent by God” to “deliver a message” to Pelosi. He went on to say that he was “angry” at Pelosi for her “corruption” and “hypocrisy” and that he was “tired of her lies.”

The incident has raised questions about security at the Capitol Building and whether or not more needs to be done to protect the Speaker of the House. It has also sparked debate about the mental health of those who commit such acts of violence.

Carreiro is currently being held in a local jail and is facing charges of assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct. It is not yet clear what his motive was for the attack, but it is clear that the incident has raised serious concerns about the safety of those in positions of power.

The incident serves as a reminder of the need for increased security measures in our nation’s capital and of the importance of mental health awareness. It is a stark reminder that we must all remain vigilant in order to ensure the safety of those who serve in public office.

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