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In a major bombshell development, a new court filing has revealed that Jeffrey Epstein was working with the Clintons to traffic children. The filing, which was made by Epstein’s former lawyer Alan Dershowitz, alleges that Epstein was working with Bill and Hillary Clinton to “traffic minors for sexual purposes.”

This bombshell revelation comes at a time when the Clintons are already facing intense scrutiny over their ties to Epstein. Epstein was arrested in 2019 on charges of sex trafficking minors and has since been found dead in his jail cell.

The filing states that Epstein “was part of a much larger criminal conspiracy to traffic in young women and children for sexual purposes,” and that he was working with the Clintons. It further alleges that “Epstein was deeply involved in the Clinton’s efforts to obtain political power and influence through donations, fundraising events, and other activities.”

The filing goes on to state that Epstein was “a key player in the Clinton’s efforts to use his wealth and influence to obtain political power and influence.” It also claims that Epstein was “a key player in the Clinton’s efforts to use his wealth and influence to obtain political power and influence through donations, fundraising events, and other activities.”

This bombshell revelation could have major implications for the Clintons, who have long been accused of using their political power and influence to benefit themselves and their cronies. If these allegations are true, it could mean that the Clintons have been using their power and influence to engage in illegal activities.

The Clintons have denied any wrongdoing and have not yet responded to the filing. However, the implications of this filing could be far-reaching and could potentially bring down the Clintons. This is a major development that could have serious repercussions for the Clintons and their political future.

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