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Grief because you can’t get the kids ready?

Grief because you can’t get the kids ready?

A teacher in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District in southwest Riverside County, California, recorded a short video about how she is grieving because she is now “supposed to notify parents if a student talks to them or identifies with pronouns other than what it is.” on their birth certificate or of a different gender”.

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“In case you didn’t know, a bunch of school districts in Southern California are putting in place resolutions where teachers and staff are supposed to notify parents if a student walks out on them or identifies themselves with pronouns different than they are at birth. certificate or a different gender. Obviously this is very hurtful and upsetting and I hate it. But what’s more upsetting is that the people making these decisions claim they are for parents’ rights, but they are for a small group of parents. I am a parent. I am a two mom family parent, I would never accept this resolution. If my child feels safe enough to tell his teacher and not me. Like what does that tell you? Right? So I don’t know. This Friday, I’m just sad how education has turned into this. That’s all.” – Master in mourning

I’ll just set this Wikipedia definition of “Childcare” here…

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