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Gregg Phillips And Catherine Engelbrecht: “That (WSJ) article is end to end inaccurate”

Gregg Phillips And Catherine Engelbrecht: “That (WSJ) article is end to end inaccurate”

Gregg Phillips And Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote join Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss a hit piece in the Wall Street Journal attacking their work exposing ballot box fraud and the voter fraud film “2000 Mules.” The pair expose the Journal for rejecting stories they pitched regrading geotracking ballots which show clear evidence of voter fraud. They attribute the hit to a concerted campaign against them leading up to a legal battle they face for their voter fraud work in Georgia.

The post Gregg Phillips And Catherine Engelbrecht: “That (WSJ) article is end to end inaccurate” appeared on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room.

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