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Germany warns against arms race as Ukraine pushes for missiles, jets 

Germany warns against arms race as Ukraine pushes for missiles, jets 

Amid growing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, Germany has warned against an arms race in the region, emphasizing the need for a diplomatic solution.

The warning came after Ukraine announced plans to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles and advanced fighter jets from the United States. The purchase is seen as a move to counter Russia’s military presence in the region.

Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that “an arms race in Europe is not in anyone’s interest.” He added that “we must not forget that the conflict in eastern Ukraine is a conflict between people, not a military confrontation between states.”

The German government has been a vocal advocate for resolving the conflict in Ukraine through diplomatic means. It has been a key player in the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, and has urged both sides to respect the Minsk Agreement, which calls for a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian forces from the region.

The German government has also expressed its support for Ukraine’s right to self-defense. However, it has cautioned against an arms race, saying that it could further escalate the conflict.

The United States has also urged caution, saying that the purchase of weapons should not be seen as a provocation. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that “we are not trying to provoke a conflict, but rather to support Ukraine’s right to defend itself.”

Germany and the United States have both called on Russia to de-escalate the situation and to return to the negotiating table. Both countries have stressed that a diplomatic solution is the only way to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

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