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Former State Department official: ‘Elon Musk has no idea the DARPA rattlesnake he stepped on doing this’…

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The following developments on Twitter are likely to have been heard of or even affected by Elon Musk’s new policy limiting Twitter usage:

There have been many theories advanced about the purpose of these limits, ranging from the cynical business incentive to encourage more paying subscribers, to the more conspiratorial possibility that Twitter wanted to limit the spread of video and information about the riots in France.

The best and most interesting analysis of the policy shift to date comes courtesy of former State Department official Mike Benz. Benz notes that whatever the intent of the policy, one significant effect will be to frustrate the efforts of various intelligence agencies and NGOs that collect massive amounts of data outside of Twitter to train their censorship algorithms.

Take a listen:

Of course, Revolver News has been at the forefront of reporting on the use of Twitter by intelligence agencies for various psychological operations and censorship practices.

READ MORE: Busted: Disinformation operative who attacked Elon Musk’s ‘free speech’ push caught red-handed in covert influence-peddling operation

READ MORE: Busted: Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using Disinformation as Cover

Musk appeared to acknowledge, at least in part, the validity of Benz’s analysis, in his succinct response to another Twitter user’s comment on the video that “scraping” Twitter data is even more of a problem now with the rise of AI models. that rely on large amounts of public data:

Let’s hope Benz’s analysis is correct, and whether unintentionally or not, his latest policy is giving censorship and psyop architects a bit of a headache.


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