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Ex-Clinton aide slams DNC for focusing on third parties instead of Biden's 'poor' approval rating

Bill Clinton's former adviser Mark Penn criticized the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for prioritizing attacking third-party candidates instead of improving President Joe Biden's paltry approval ratings.

The DNC and Biden's reelection team they are involved in initiatives to counter third-party candidates, especially Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who they see as a threat to the president's re-election. The impact of third-party candidates in the 2024 presidential election is difficult to predict, so the DNC should focus its efforts on Biden's performance, Penn said on Fox News' “America's Newsroom.”


“[Kennedy] it seems to have a pretty marginal impact, even though it's a major and pretty well-liked alternative candidate that's breaking double digits… It's a pretty amazing development to start with double digits like that,” Penn said.

Kennedy is election better than any independent candidate since 1992, Axios reported.

“If I were the DNC, I would worry about the other four or five points that Biden is behind,” he added. “What is the campaign doing about the core issues, poor job performance, inflation and immigration? Because when you get to the effective third-party candidates, who knows? It could go off like a firecracker and then explode like a firecracker and shoot down. He's really unpredictable. The only thing you know is that the job rating is in the 40s, he's having trouble making up. And that's what they should be focusing on. They pissed off RFK.”

The DNC is forming a team in March focused on communications strategy, opposition research and legal efforts to fight independent and third-party candidates in 2024, NBC reported. The committee is also establishing a panel of lawyers to oversee how independent candidates seek ballot access. seconds in the New York Times.

Justice for All Party candidate Cornel West, Green Party candidate Jill Stein and a no-label “Unity Ticket” are winning the polls in states across the country.

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