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Everyone loved Vladamir Putin before the war in Ukraine

Everyone loved Vladamir Putin before the war in Ukraine

These are his words, not mine…

“I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very simple and trustworthy. . . . I wouldn’t have invited him to my ranch if I didn’t trust him.” – George Bush

“I’m almost amazed at how far Putin seems to have gone, pushing his luck with the West. I don’t think anyone since Peter the Great has made such a significant, at least initial, move toward the West.” – Joe Biden

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“I found him very knowledgeable about the issues, very calm, very intelligent.” – Nicolas Sarkozy

“Mr. Putin is very smart. We had a very good and strong relationship…He kept his word on every deal we made.” – Bill Clinton

“I got on very well with him, but in the end he will take over all of Ukraine.” —Donald Trump

So what changed between when they said those things and what they are saying now?

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