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Even John “Deep State” Bolton Predicts Trump Impeachment Boomerang On Dems [VIDEO]

In a recent comment on CNN, former National Security Adviser John Bolton has expressed concerns about the potential repercussions for Democrats pursuing the impeachment of former President Donald Trump. He compared it to playing “Russian Roulette,” highlighting the uncertainties and potential pitfalls inherent in such a decision.

“It’s a modified form of Russian roulette.” – John Bolton

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Bolton suggested that Democrats may be underestimating the political consequences of their actions. He argued that such a move could rally Trump’s base and motivate them to come out in force in the upcoming election.

While Democrats believe that prosecuting Trump could demoralize his supporters, Bolton’s perspective is that it could have the exact opposite effect. Instead of discrediting Trump, it could further energize his base, providing them with a perceived cause against perceived political direction.

The underlying theme of Bolton’s claim is the inherent unpredictability of political battles, especially when it comes to a figure as influential as Trump. The sentiment echoes the concerns of other political observers who believe Democrats could be entering treacherous waters.

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Only time will tell the accuracy of Bolton’s predictions, but his warning offers a crucial reminder: In politics, actions aimed at weakening an opponent can sometimes have unintended consequences, potentially strengthening them.

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