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Wyoming Has Too Many Elk – IOTW Report

Wyoming Has Too Many Elk – IOTW Report

Are they delicious?

CSD: There are apparently too many elk, particularly in eastern and northeastern Wyoming, and lawmakers, ranchers, hunters and the Wyoming Department of Game and Fish are in a quandary over how to handle it.

“I always tell Game and Fish that elk are their wild horses,” Jim Magagna, executive vice president of the Wyoming Stock Grower’s Association, said Friday.

He made his remarks during a meeting of the Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Travel, Recreation Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee. His reference to wild horses was a comparison to the tenuous line the Bureau of Land Management walks in balancing various groups’ stakes in the management of Wyoming’s mustangs.

Magagna said that in places, elk populations are “three or four times” over the Wyoming Game and Fish department’s herd objective numbers, and some ranchers are starting to feel overrun. more

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