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Why hasn’t it been a big story that LA had record cool temperatures in 2023?

Shouldn’t it be a huge national story that a big city like LA had a record stretch where it didn’t hit 80 degrees in 60 days in May and June? After all, the media is always warning us that the Earth is getting dangerously warm.

Central LA’s streak of temperatures below 80 reaches 60 days

The past two months have been unusually cool and historically pleasant in parts of Los Angeles County, the National Weather Service reported Friday.

From May 1 to June 29, a 60-day stretch, the high temperature in downtown Los Angeles did not reach 80. It is the longest streak of days on record with high temperatures below 80 during the months of May and June in downtown Los Angeles since 1878.

The previous longest streak was 59 days from May 2 to June 29, 1916. The highest temperature during the current streak was 79 on June 17 and 21.

We are constantly told that there are too many people, and this causes warming, so it is not surprising that LA County population in 1880 it was about 33,000, and today it is over 10 million? How is it possible that the population is 300 times higher, but the temperature is lower than at any time in 145 years?

How could LA be cooler today than at any time in the last 145 years if millions of cars and other gas, cement, asphalt, coal, crude oil, methane, CO2 and all the other things we are told cause the do they really warm up?

The reason the story of record cool temperatures in LA is not widely reported is the same reason the public rarely sees the following stories. They don’t fit the radical green agenda to remake or destroy America. Facts don’t matter to leftists when they’re pushing an agenda.

A brutal cold wave has swept through northern India, blanketing streets in icy fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and causing school closures.

The capital of India, New Delhi, experienced it the coldest December day in 119 years on Monday, with the high dropping below 49 degrees Fahrenheit (9.4 degrees Celsius), about 20 degrees below the December average. Last week, the city broke its longer cold season in more than t A brutal cold wave has swept across northern India, blanketing streets in icy fog, intensifying pollution, disrupting hundreds of flights and prompting school closures. (News from New York)

Other stories most of the public probably haven’t seen:

The Concordia station records the lowest January temperature in Antarctica

Wednesday, February 1, 2023: Extreme cold reaches China’s Heilongjiang province: Moha drops to -53.0°C (-63.4°F), coldest temperature in Chinese history

Sunday, January 22, 2023: Reykjavík records coldest temperature since 1918, Iceland

Thursday, December 29, 2022: Arctic blast breaks numerous daily temperature records in Alberta, Canada

Thursday, December 22, 2022: Annual rainfall and snowfall records broken in Greece

Wednesday, December 15, 2021: Historic cold spell hits Scandinavia, Sweden records coldest December day in 35 years

Tuesday, December 7, 2021: Freezing: St. Petersburg breaks daily temperature record set in 1893, Russia

April 15, 2022: The world’s new coldest temperature of 2022 was set on April 14 at the Vostok station in Antarctica

One thing that always worries me is when people who support keeping crude oil, coal and natural gas as an energy source say that the climate will not change if the United States stops using natural resources, if China still does This statement implies that the premise that humans and our use of coal, oil, natural gas, meat, gas cars and everything else causes temperature and climate change, but there is no scientific evidence that it does.

It is a simple scientific concept that if there is no correlation, there can be no causation.

Global warming, climate change, caused by humans has always been a scam to get more government control of our lives and to funnel huge amounts of money to leftists.

It is absolutely pathetic that the media repeats what they are told about global warming or climate change without doing any research. And not once have they asked Biden, Kerry, Gore, Gates, Obama or any green pusher for scientific data to support the green agenda, either because they know it doesn’t exist or because they don’t care.

Here’s the stupidity on steroids: The government is promoting the replacement of crude oil, coal and natural gas with solar power while also looking for ways to reduce the sun’s rays as it aims to be able to control temperatures and climate. Can these people spot the flaw in your solution?

Graphic Credit: create itpublic domain


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