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Whoopi Goldberg goes nuts after SCOTUS cuts affirmative action in college admissions

Whoopi Goldberg goes nuts after SCOTUS cuts affirmative action in college admissions

Whoopi Goldberg vehemently denounced the US Supreme Court effectively banning the use of racial bias in college admissions.

Drawing inspiration from the civil rights movements of the 1960s, Goldberg argued that if Americans were treated equally, the struggles they faced during that time, such as marching, begging, and enduring acts of violence, would not have been necessary.

“People wouldn’t have had to march and beg and get hoses and all that stuff” if Americans were treated equally, he said.

SUPREME COURT SETS NEW LIMITS ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: #TheView co-hosts react to ruling in cases involving whether public and private colleges and universities can continue to use race as one factor among many in admission of students.

— The View (@TheView) June 29, 2023

He attributed the loss of affirmative action to legal action taken by Edward Bloom and Abigail Fisher, who claimed they faced discrimination under the policy.

“Why are we scaring you?” Goldberg asked as the crowd cheered.

Later in the argument, Goldberg directed his vitriol at Justice Clarence Thomas, the conservative black member of the Supreme Court known for his opposition to race-based affirmative action. Thomas had made a statement expressing his uncertainty about the concept of diversity.

“Let me ask you this question, Judge Thomas: Could your mother and father vote in this country? Because if the 14th Amendment had put us on an equal footing, they would have been able to vote. And you know why this change ?Because people came out and made a change,” Goldberg said.

“Who wants to get hit by water from a water hose?” she asked defiantly. “No one! But that’s what people did to get the vote. So when you say you don’t know what diversity is, I say you’re full of it.”

Goldberg’s co-hosts quickly joined the conversation, with Joy Behar expressing her displeasure with legacy policies at institutions like Harvard. Behar, who is not a Harvard graduate, shared her background, noting that her parents worked as a truck driver and sewing machine operator, and no one in her family had the opportunity to attend Harvard.

“That plays into what they’re talking about on the right in this post-racial society we live in. Because we elected a black president, they think racism is over. It’s not. And that’s what bothers me about this pushback and also what bothers me is what’s next? Gay marriage? I mean they want to get rid of abortion rights that they’ve pretty much done. Now it’s going to be gay rights,” Behar roared.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Thomas criticized the perspective of his colleague, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, as well as liberals who advocate the continuation of race-based affirmative action, arguing that it perpetuates a “view of the world based on race” and that it is unnecessary to address the socioeconomic disadvantages faced by minority students.

“[I]It is an insult to individual achievement and cancerous to young minds that seek to overcome barriers, rather than surrender to permanent victimization,” Thomas wrote.

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This article contains comments that reflect the opinion of the author.

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