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White House forced to issue nine corrections to Biden speech as president enters new slump

President Joe Biden gave such a gaffe-filled speech to the NAACP this weekend that the White House was forced to issue nine corrections.

The president became angry repeatedly during the speech despite reading directly from a teleprompter, once again pointing to the incredible cognitive decline he has undergone in recent years.

The series of gaffes began with him falsely claiming to have been vice president during the 2020 COVID pandemic.

“And when I was vice president, things were a little bad during the pandemicand what happened was Barack said to me, 'Go to Detroit and help fix it,'” the president said.

The White House solved this problem by replacing “pandemic” with “recession”.

Biden then became angry while discussing the lifetime achievement award the NAACP had decided to give him.

“Friends, I am honored to receive this organization, which defines the character and consequences of what we do,” he said.

The White House fixed this mistake by substituting “organization” for award.”

The president then struck a chord as he spoke about the Morehouse College students he had spoken to recently.

“It was really inspiring — 400-plus young black people who are going to do extraordinary things,” he said.

The White House fixed this problem by replacing “inspiring” with “inspiring.”

The president then tried to claim that an adjustment his administration made to the Affordable Care Act has saved families $8,000 a year in premiums, when in fact it has only saved them $800.

“I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in premiums, $8,000 in premiums a year,” he said.

The White House fixed this mistake by replacing $8000 with $800.

Then, while bragging about his efforts to lower the cost of living, the president talked about landlords trying to lower rent.

“We are increasing access to capital to start businesses and loans to buy homes. We are cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents low,” he said.

The White House fixed this mistake by replacing “who” with “a.”

The president then made a small grammatical error. See if you can find it below.

“[Trump] not only does it deny reproductive freedom, it worsens the death rate for black mothers, who are nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than a white woman,” she said.

Notice how he referred to black mothers “who have.” This was a mistake.

The White House fixed this error by replacing “who has” with “are.”

The president then dropped the word revolted again.

“[Trump] calls the reactionaries who stormed Capitol Hill “patriots.” He says that if he is re-elected, he wants, quote, “all” of them pardoned,” the president said.

The White House fixed this error by replacing “irrectionists” with “insurrectionists.”

The president then misquoted former President Donald Trump, who in March had warned of a “bloodbath” in the auto industry if Biden is re-elected to office.

“Donald Trump has said that if he loses again in November, there will be, quote, 'bloodshed.' What in God's name are we talking about here?” said the president.

The White House fixed this error by substituting “bloodshed” for “bloodbath.”

And lastly, and quite incredibly, the president missed the name of the very organization he was talking about earlier.

“Earlier this month, I posthumously awarded Medgar Evers the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest civilian honor. His spirit lives on. The NAAC spirit lives on,” he said.

The White House fixed this error by replacing “NAAC” with “NAACP.”

In response to these back-to-back gaffes, critics were full of derision:

Meanwhile, on Sky News, host Danica De Giorgio attributed the gaffes to Biden's growing “senility.”

“We've seen this for some time,” he said Tuesday. “It's the constant babbling, bubbling, mumbling. If he's not stumbling, he's slipping. He's forgetting things. He can't read his teleprompter. His eyes are straining just to read it. And it's really a state of very sad things, because if this was your loved one, if this was a family friend or a friend, you should actually have a serious conversation with them about care, the next step in their lives and what that would look like .”

“However, apparently this is the leader of the free world who is completely inconsistent and makes constant gaffes on a weekly basis. And it's sad that this is happening. And it's becoming clear that he's being supported every day. They're obviously giving him something to prop him up. But it's not working, and I don't know how the Democrats got this far without saying we have to replace this man. How can he go around the ring again?” she added.



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White House forced to issue nine corrections to Biden speech as president enters new slump
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