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We Have Evidence MORE Social Media Platforms Were Secretly Communicating With Federal Government. – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

We Have Evidence MORE Social Media Platforms Were Secretly Communicating With Federal Government. – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

The rise of social media has given the public unprecedented access to news, information, and communication with one another. It has also given the federal government a new way to monitor and influence public opinion. Recent reports have revealed that the Trump administration, through the efforts of former White House strategist Steve Bannon, was secretly communicating with social media platforms in an effort to shape the public’s perception of the coronavirus pandemic.

The so-called “War Room” was established by Bannon in early 2020 to coordinate messaging between the White House and social media platforms. Bannon and his team worked to ensure that the public was receiving information that was favorable to the Trump administration, while attempting to discredit the work of public health experts and media outlets.

The War Room was reportedly in contact with the major social media companies, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. Bannon and his team sought to influence the platforms’ algorithms and content moderation policies in order to give the administration’s message greater reach. They also sought to influence the platforms’ content moderation policies in order to limit the spread of what they deemed to be “unfavorable” information.

The War Room’s activities have raised concerns among experts and civil liberties advocates, who argue that the government should not be allowed to use social media platforms to manipulate public opinion. These concerns are compounded by the fact that the War Room was operating in secret, without any public oversight or accountability.

The implications of the War Room’s activities are far-reaching. If the government is allowed to use social media platforms to manipulate public opinion, it could have a significant impact on our democracy. It could lead to a situation where the government is able to control the narrative and shape public opinion without any public input or oversight.

The War Room’s activities have also raised questions about the role of social media companies in protecting their users’ privacy and freedom of expression. If the government is able to influence the platforms’ algorithms and content moderation policies, it could lead to a situation where users’ rights are being violated and their voices silenced.

The War Room’s activities demonstrate the need for greater transparency and accountability when it comes to the government’s use of social media platforms. The public deserves to know what the government is doing and how it is using these platforms to influence public opinion. It is also important that social media companies take steps to protect their users’ rights and ensure that they are not being used as tools of government propaganda.

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