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Watch How Fast Biden’s Face Changes After He Botches Sentence: ‘Even Joe Is Fed Up with Joe at This Point’

Watch How Fast Biden’s Face Changes After He Botches Sentence: ‘Even Joe Is Fed Up with Joe at This Point’

Joe Biden’s campaign for the White House has been marked by a series of gaffes and missteps, but a recent stumble during a campaign event in Iowa may have been the most cringe-worthy yet.

At the campaign event, Biden attempted to make a point about the need for better healthcare and education, but instead of saying “better healthcare and education for all,” he said “better healthcare and education for Joe.”

The slip of the tongue was quickly noticed by the audience, who erupted in laughter. Biden quickly realized his mistake and tried to recover, but the damage had already been done.

The video of the incident quickly went viral, with many people pointing out how Biden’s face changed as soon as he realized his mistake. In the video, Biden’s expression quickly turns from one of confidence to one of embarrassment and frustration.

The incident has become a popular meme on social media, with many people making jokes about Biden’s gaffe and how “even Joe is fed up with Joe at this point.”

Biden’s slip-up is just another example of how his campaign has been plagued by gaffes and missteps. Despite this, Biden continues to lead in the polls and is the favorite to win the Democratic nomination for president.

It remains to be seen if Biden can recover from this latest gaffe and continue to be a viable candidate for the White House. In the meantime, the video of Biden’s face changing after his botched sentence will continue to be a popular meme on social media.

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