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Watch: Byron Donalds Gives Beautiful On-Air Reality Check to Panel of Tone-Deaf CNN Reporters

Watch: Byron Donalds Gives Beautiful On-Air Reality Check to Panel of Tone-Deaf CNN Reporters

In a refreshing display of honesty and common sense, Byron Donalds, a Florida Republican and member of the House of Representatives, gave a much-needed reality check to a panel of tone-deaf CNN reporters during a recent television appearance.

The segment was focused on the ongoing debate surrounding the use of critical race theory in schools, with Donalds asserting that such teachings are divisive and do not promote unity. But instead of engaging with the substance of his arguments, the reporters appeared more interested in characterizing him as a mouthpiece for the far right.

Donalds was having none of it. He responded by pointing out the absurdity of calling someone “far right” simply because they believe in traditional values and common sense principles. He also called out the panelists for their narrow-mindedness, stating that they were “talking about things that you guys don’t even understand.”

At one point, one of the reporters attempted to claim that Donalds was simply repeating GOP talking points. But he was quick to point out that he was speaking from experience and had seen firsthand the damage that critical race theory can do.

The exchange was a much-needed reminder of the importance of open and honest dialogue. While it’s easy to get caught up in political posturing and name-calling, we must remember that the real issues at stake are much more complex than that. It’s time for all of us to start listening to each other and working together towards solutions that benefit us all. And it’s refreshing to see politicians like Byron Donalds leading the way in that regard.

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