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WarRoom Battleground EP 348: Nevada RINO’s Vote To Stop Hand Counting Of Ballots

WarRoom Battleground EP 348: Nevada RINO’s Vote To Stop Hand Counting Of Ballots

Title: WarRoom Battleground EP 348: Nevada RINOs Vote To Stop Hand Counting Of Ballots


In the latest episode of WarRoom Battleground, number 348, the focus is centered on Nevada Republicans-In-Name-Only (RINOs) who allegedly voted against conducting a hand count of ballots in the state. The contentious decision has sparked debates and concerns surrounding the integrity of the electoral process. While we will not alter any names or locations mentioned, it’s important to examine this issue and understand its potential implications.


Nevada, a key battleground state in US elections, has been under scrutiny following the 2020 presidential election, which saw a narrow margin of victory for Joe Biden. Claims of voter fraud have surrounded the state, leading some Republican lawmakers to push for a comprehensive hand count of the ballots.

The Vote

During the WarRoom Battleground episode, attention is directed towards a group of Nevada Republican legislators who were labeled as RINOs for voting against implementing a hand count of all ballots. The decision by these representatives to oppose a manual recount has attracted significant criticism from within the Republican party itself.

Arguments for Hand Counting

Proponents of conducting a hand count argue that it ensures a thorough examination of the ballots, facilitating increased transparency and confidence in the electoral process. Supporters often believe that manual counting is less susceptible to potential errors or fraudulent activities associated with voting machines or software.

Moreover, proponents suggest that public trust in the electoral system can be bolstered by providing a clear and definitive outcome. Conducting a hand count, they claim, eliminates doubts and suspicions surrounding the validity and accuracy of the election results.

Arguments Against Hand Counting

On the other hand, opponents of the hand count express concerns about the logistical challenges posed by such an endeavor, including the time, cost, and manpower required. They argue that conducting a manual recount on a large scale may not necessarily yield more accurate results compared to machine counts.

Additionally, the opponents highlight the potential for human error during the hand counting process, which could introduce inaccuracies and compromise the validity of the final count. They underline the importance of relying on modern technology and trusted systems to carry out vote tallies efficiently.

Implications and Conclusion

The decision made by the Nevada RINOs to vote against the hand counting of ballots raises questions about the motivations behind their choice. While some assert that this decision undermines the quest for election transparency, others contend that the opposition may stem from practical concerns or trust in existing systems.

Regardless of the true intentions behind the decision, it is crucial to maintain faith in the electoral process through open dialogue, transparency, and comprehensive investigations into any potential irregularities. By thoroughly examining claims of voter fraud and ensuring a fair and accurate vote count, the integrity of the democratic process can be upheld.

As the discussion surrounding the electoral process continues, it is vital to approach these debates with objectivity, basing conclusions on verifiable evidence. Ultimately, both sides of the argument share the common goal of protecting the integrity and legitimacy of elections, warranting further attention and investigation into this particular issue.

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