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United Nations member states finalize the text of the High Seas Treaty, which aims to declare 30% of the world’s oceans marine protected areas by 2030. – The Donald – America First

United Nations member states finalize the text of the High Seas Treaty, which aims to declare 30% of the world’s oceans marine protected areas by 2030. – The Donald – America First

China fishes everywhere.


China has claimed the North Pole, their police force has stations all over Canada, as well as the US and other nations, and they steal all the fish they can.

June 2, 2021 – Hundreds of fishing vessels from foreign countries, including the main one from China, have been trawling waters near Argentina, sometimes “dark” for days.

The Chinese don’t care that Mao starved 70 million Chinese people to death, they are happy to take all the fish and bacon bits in the world.

Smithfield Foods’ slaughterhouse in Virginia used to cut pork for American sandwiches and holiday dinners. But workers are now packing pork carcasses for shipment to China, according to employees, local officials and industry sources.

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