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UK BBC host allegedly paid teen over £35,000 for explicit photos: report | Human events

One without a name BBC The star retired later on Saturday allegations it emerged he paid a teenager more than £35,000 sexual images over a three-year period starting when the boy was 17.

In an interview with The sunthe mother of the youngster, now 20, claimed they reported the presenter’s behavior to the BBC on 19 May. Telling the network that he used the star’s money to buy crack cocaine, he said: “I blame this BBC man for destroying my son’s life.”

“Taking my son’s innocence and handing over the money for crack cocaine that could kill my son,” he continued. “When I see him on TV, I feel sick.”

The mother added that her son went from “a happy young man to a crack addict like a ghost” in just three years. She added: “All I want is for this man to stop paying my son for sex photos and to stop funding my son’s drug habit.”

He said that when his son showed him his bank statements “There were huge sums, hundreds or thousands of pounds at a time”. She added: “I had once sent £5,000 in one lump sum. The money had been in exchange for sexually explicit photographs of my son.”

The said the BBC the former TV presenter, who is apparently a household name in the UK, is not scheduled to be on air, and the allegations are being investigated. “We take any complaints very seriously and have processes in place to deal with them proactively,” a BBC spokesman said.

“As part of this, if we receive information that requires further investigation or examination, we will take steps to do so. This includes actively seeking to speak to those who have contacted us to seek further details and understanding of the situation,” they said. said “If we do not receive a response to our attempts or no further contact, this may limit our ability to move forward, but it does not mean that our inquiries are over.”

“If, at any time, it comes to light or new information is made available – including through newspapers – appropriate action will be taken, in accordance with internal processes,” the statement concludes.

After The Sun article was published and speculation began to swirl, BBC personalities such as Ryan Clark and Jeremy Vine hit back with statements on Twitter.

“I’m not sure why my names are floating around, but they’re this story in the sun, it’s not me, baby,” Clark said. “I’m currently filming a show in Italy for the BBC, so take my name off.”


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