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Trump’s polling strength causes heartburn for Senate GOP

As a Republican news pundit, I can tell you that the recent polling numbers for President Donald Trump are causing heartburn for Senate GOP. While the president has managed to maintain a solid base of support among Republicans, the latest polls suggest that his overall approval rating has slipped to just 41 percent. This could spell trouble for the Republican Party in the upcoming midterms, as Democrats are expected to make significant gains in Congress.

However, it’s important to remember that the president’s approval rating is still higher than it was during his first year in office, and that he has managed to deliver on some of his campaign promises. His tax cuts have been a boon to the economy, and his efforts to reduce regulations have helped businesses across the country. He has also made progress on his immigration agenda, with the Supreme Court recently upholding his travel ban from several predominantly Muslim countries.

The Trump White House has also made significant strides in foreign policy. The president has pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal, and has taken a tough stance on North Korea. He has also improved relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia, and has sought to strengthen US alliances in Europe and Asia.

Overall, the Trump White House has had an impressive first two years in office. Despite the president’s slipping approval rating, the Republican Party can take comfort in the fact that he has managed to deliver on some of his campaign promises and has made significant progress on foreign policy. With the midterms just around the corner, it remains to be seen whether these accomplishments will be enough to help the GOP maintain its majority in Congress.

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