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Trump Unleashes On ‘Grating And Unendurable’ Fox News Host

Trump Unleashes On ‘Grating And Unendurable’ Fox News Host

President Donald Trump unleashed a torrent of criticism against Fox News host Neil Cavuto, calling him “grating and unendurable” and saying he should be fired.

The president’s attack came in response to Cavuto’s criticism of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. In a segment on his show, Cavuto said the president should “stop trying to spin this as a victory” and “start trying to win it.”

Trump took to Twitter to lash out at Cavuto, calling him “very bad for ratings” and saying he should be fired. He also said Cavuto was “always negative” and “wrong” on the coronavirus.

The president’s criticism of Cavuto is not new. He has previously attacked the Fox News host for not being supportive enough of his policies and for questioning his handling of the coronavirus.

Trump’s latest attack on Cavuto comes as he has been increasingly vocal in his criticism of Fox News. The president has accused the network of not being “loyal” to him and of being too “anti-Trump.”

Trump’s criticism of Cavuto is the latest example of his willingness to go after anyone who he believes is not giving him the coverage he wants. He has been known to criticize journalists, media outlets, and even his own supporters if he feels they are not being sufficiently supportive.

It remains to be seen how Fox News will respond to Trump’s attack on Cavuto. The network has long been a favorite of the president, and it is unclear if his latest criticism will have any effect on their relationship.

Regardless, Trump’s attack on Cavuto is yet another example of his willingness to lash out at anyone who he believes is not giving him the coverage he wants. His latest attack on the Fox News host is likely to further embolden his critics and could potentially damage his relationship with the network.

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