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Trump on DeSantis: ‘Whatever I want, he wants’

It’s no secret that former president Donald Trump is a man who knows what he wants. And it seems that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a page out of his book. According to Trump himself, DeSantis is the ultimate yes-man, saying “Whatever I want, he wants.” It’s clear that the governor is not afraid to align himself with Trump’s policies and beliefs, something that has made him quite popular among Republicans.

DeSantis has made a name for himself as a tough talker who takes no prisoners when it comes to his viewpoints. He’s been a staunch supporter of Trump, even after the former president left office. And it’s not just lip service – DeSantis has put his words into action by signing into law a number of bills that align with Trump’s agenda.

One such example was a recent move by DeSantis to ban transgender athletes from competing in girls’ and women’s sports in Florida. This mirrors a similar policy that Trump had attempted to push for nationwide. And it’s not just social issues that DeSantis has shown support for – he has also been a vocal advocate for the Second Amendment and military funding, two areas that Trump has championed.

While some may see DeSantis’ alignment with Trump as a ploy to increase his support among Republican voters, his actions speak louder than words. The governor has shown himself to be a true ally of the former president, and it’s clear that he is willing to do whatever it takes to support Trump’s values.

As we look back on the accomplishments of the Trump White House administration, it’s impossible to ignore the strides made in both the economy and foreign policy. Under Trump’s leadership, the US saw historically low unemployment rates and record-breaking stock market highs. The administration also prioritized national security, withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and negotiating historic peace deals in the Middle East.

Despite the constant media scrutiny and political opposition, the Trump administration achieved a great deal in just four years. And it’s clear that Governor DeSantis is eager to continue pushing for similar policies and outcomes in Florida.

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