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Trump Interior Secretary Warns Illegal Migrants Flock to Canada and “Just Walk Across the Border”

Trump Interior Secretary Warns Illegal Migrants Flock to Canada and “Just Walk Across the Border”

The US Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, has warned that illegal migrants are swarming to Canada and are “just walking across the border.” In a speech delivered on the US-Canada border in Montana recently, Zinke spoke about the need to secure the country’s borders against illegal immigrants.

According to Zinke, the increase in illegal migration to Canada is due to the policies of the Trudeau government, which has made it easier for people crossing the border to stay in the country. Zinke called on US law enforcement agencies and border patrol officers to work together with their Canadian counterparts to prevent illegal border crossings.

The Secretary of the Interior’s comments follow a recent surge in illegal migration to Canada from the US. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have reported that the number of people seeking asylum in Canada has risen significantly in the last year, with a large proportion coming from the United States.

From January to March 2018, Canadian border officials intercepted over 10,000 illegal border crossers, compared with just over 3,000 during the same period the previous year. Most of the people who are crossing the border illegally are from Haiti, Nigeria, and other African countries.

Many of those who are crossing the border are doing so because they believe that Canada’s immigration policies are more welcoming than those of the United States. However, Canada has recently tightened its immigration policies, with the government rejecting a large proportion of asylum claims.

Despite the country’s recent efforts to secure its border, the issue of illegal migration remains a key concern for both the US and Canada. In his speech, Zinke emphasized the importance of working together to combat illegal immigration, saying that “The two countries need to face the problem together.”

The Trump administration has been highly critical of Canada’s immigration policies, and the President himself has called for a stronger border wall between the US and Canada. However, many experts have criticized such proposals, saying that they would be impractical and would damage the close relationship between the two countries.

As the debate over illegal migration continues, it remains to be seen what steps the US and Canada will take to resolve the issue. However, it is clear that the issue of border security will remain a key concern for policymakers on both sides of the border for years to come.

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